Ch. 20 - Denny's

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"She cursed you because of a bagel?" Karl asked in disbelief.

George nodded his head and shuffled closer to Dream on the sofa, partly hiding behind him.

Karl was being really sweet and understanding, Quackity on the other hand was laughing his ass off, rolling around on the floor. "T-this is so fucked up!" He managed to giggle out.

"Anyway," Dream cleared his throat, "We haven't found the old lady yet, so for right now, George will remain like this. When we do live streams or videos, George will have to wear a beanie or hat." Dream stared at Quackity, "And we won't tell a soul."

Quackity stood up and rolled his eyes, "Obviously." He took a step closer to Dream and George, "C-can I p-pet you?" He burst into laughter again.

George frowned, "Haha, very funny." He stuck out his tongue.

Quackity smirked, "Hey, don't go giving me your tongue, that's only for Dream."

George and Dream blushed, "Quackity what is wrong with you!" Dream yelled out.

Quackity only started laughing more, "Y-you should of see the look on your face! Anyone who saw that would think you two were dating!"

George buried his head into Dream's back and groaned. Dream chuckled, "Well..."

Quackity and Karl's eyes widened, "No way."

Karl beamed, "I'm so happy for you guys!"

"Yeah, congratulations! You guys, about time!" Quackity said as he gave them both a pat on the hand.

Dream looked at him annoyed, "You're so weird, Quackity."

George on the other hand started to purr and lead into Quackity's hand. Quackity quickly pulled away, "Whoa, whoa, George, are you okay?"

George broke out of his trance and felt the blood rush to his head. He looked down at the ground. Dream put an arm protectively around George and pulled him closer. "Don't touch him."

Quackity scoffed, "You're not his bodyguard Dream."

"Guys, I'm hungry," Karl spoke up.

Sapnap nodded his head, "Yeah, I could really go for some pizza."

George groaned, "We've had pizza the last two nights, can't we eat something else? Or is this all you Americans eat?"

"Let's go to Denny's!" Quackity shouted, "We can recreate Dream's biker story, but this time in real life!"

Sapnap burst into laughter, "Yes! We need to do that!"

Dream shook his head, "No, we are not doing that."

Quackity giggled, "Come on, it will be so fun."

Karl and Sapnap nodded their heads in agreement.

"No," Dream said strictly.

Quackity looked over at George with pleading eyes, George rolled his eyes and turned to look at Dream.

George pouted and tugged on Dream's sleeve, "But, Dweam, I've never been to Denny's before, I would like to go with you."

Dream turned and looked at him with an annoyed face, but it quickly melted away when he stared into George's honey brown eyes. He swallowed, "Fine."


All five of them walked into Denny's. George and Quackity were wearing matching blue LAFD beanies. And George was wearing an oversized black hoodie to hide his tail.

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