Ch. 30 - Cat toys

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George woke up feeling warm and cozy. He was wrapped in Dream's arms and buddled up under the blankets. Dream was silently playing with his hair as he waited for George to wake up.

George opened his eyes, "Good morning." Dream cooed and kissed George's cheek. George hummed and cuddled closer to Dream. "George?" Dream asked sweetly.

"Mhm?" George started drifting back to sleep.

"George, we need to get up it's past ten." Dream lightly poked George in the side. George wiggled and whined.

"I don't want to!" He screamed into his pillow.

"Sapnap's going to get bored and barge in here if we don't get up soon. Do you want him to see you naked?" Dream pointed out.

"I wouldn't be so tired if you didn't keep me up so late." George huffed.

"Please, you enjoyed every minute of it. Don't lie to me." Dream teased as he let his hand draw circles on George's bare hip.

George smiled up at Dream. "Did you enjoy it?" He asked a little nervous.

Dream rolled his eyes, "I thought I made that pretty obvious last night. Yes, I loved every minute of it. Let's do it again tonight." Dream beamed with excitement.

George scoffed, "But I can barely walk as it is."

"I'll be your personal taxi! I'll carry you everywhere." Dream reasoned.

"Yeah, no thanks. Sapnap's already going to make fun of me for my limp, I don't want anymore teasing than necessary."

Dream frowned, "Then when can we do it again?"

George shrugged, "I don't know."

Dream leaned in and kissed George on the lips slowly. He bit George's bottom lip. George giggled and let Dream slip in his tongue, deepening the kiss. Dream pulled George onto his lap making George straddle him. he let his hands rested on George's hips as George's hands went up to play with Dream's dirty blond hair. Dream pulled away first, "Are you sure we can't do it again tonight?" Dream asked with puppy dog eyes.

George rested his head on Dream's shoulder and relaxed his body, "We'll see how I'm feeling, okay?" He kissed Dream's neck sweetly.

Dream sighed, "Okay," He kissed the top of George's head, "I love you."

George yawned, "Same."

Dream chuckled, "Don't fall asleep on top of me! Get off so I can get dressed." George groaned but rolled off of Dream and went back to laying on his pillow.

Dream got up and threw on some underwear, jeans and a simple white t-shirt. He looked back over at George to see him fast asleep. Dream sighed and sit down next to him. pampering him with kisses until he woke up again. "Wot?" George whined.

"It's time to wake up, come get breakfast with me." Dream whispered into George's ear.

George just rolled over and faced the wall, "Go by yourself, I'm too tired."

"Geoooorge!" Dream whined, "Come with me!"

"Too tired, don't care," George mumbled into his pillow.

Dream frowned and hugged George from behind, "But I'll miss you."

"Close the door on your way out," George said in a monotone voice.

Dream faked cried as he left the room. He gently closed the door behind him and made his way to the kitchen. he looked inside the fridge. "Where did all our food go?" Dream asked as he looked at the mostly empty fridge. Quackity and Karl were both sitting at the dining room table eating the last of the cereal.

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