Ch. 8 - Plans and Cuddles

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George woke up on a cold concrete floor, He slowly sat up and looked around. He was in the middle of an empty airport, it was almost pitch black. He slowly stood up, his body felt heavy.

He walked around the abandoned airport, looking for a way out. He felt some gyprock fall on his head. He glanced up to see a decayed roof just barely staying up. He had to get out before this whole building collapsed on top of him.

George started running. But no matter how long he ran or what direction he turned, the exit was nowhere to be found. He heard a part of the roof fall behind him. That can't be good. George thought to himself.

He ran away from the sound of the building collapsing but it only seemed to follow him. And it was getting closer by the second. George noticed a light coming from one of the hallways, he moved towards it. He turned the corner to see a glowing red exit sign. He let out a sigh of relief. He was finally going to be out of this cursed building

George stopped dead in his tracks.

There, stood right in front of him was the evil, little, old lady.

"What are you doing here?" George asked annoyed.

"How dare you." Her voice was a lot deeper than he remembered and she looked half-dead.

"Excuse me?" George didn't want to admit it but she was scaring him.

"Give it back!" She screamed.

George took a step back. He could hear the building collapsing around him. This old lady needed to get out of his way, or they were both going to get crashed.

"GIVE IT BACK!" She screeched even louder, "Those you love will never see the real you! A feline allusion will be cast over their eyes! Even in the voices that are heard! Day and night shall not be recognized! The sun will burn! The moon will cry! Search and run but the feelings will linger! True love, soulmates! CORRECT THE MISTAKE!"

George felt like his ears were bleeding. "Shut up! And listen to me! This building is about to fall on both of us! So move out of the way so we can escape!" George yelled.

The old lady just stared at him with a blank expression. Slowly her face began to melt off and she morphed into a lion. George felt a shiver run down his spine. What is happening?

George felt the ground under him began to shake. He peered up and noticed a structure pole about to drop right on top of him.

George woke up with a start. He was on the living room floor of the dream team house. He looked over at the blanket hanging halfway off the sofa. He must have fallen off of it in the middle of the night. George got up and wandered to the kitchen. He gazed at the clock, it was only 4 am. George sighed, Dream and Sapnap wouldn't be up for a while. What was he going to do?

The words from the old lady kept replaying in his head. He should probably write it down...


"Okay!" Dream clapped his hands together as he entered the living room. Sapnap was chilling on the couch beside George and Patches. Patches was once again laying on top of George. Dream cleared his throat, "So last night, George wrote down everything he could remember about the curse. So let's go over it and figure this shit out." Dream sat down on the other end of the couch.

Sapnap put his phone down, "Awesome, read the first bit."

"Right so the first parts pretty simple, "'Those you love will never see the real you. A feline allusion will be cast over their eyes.' Aka anyone George loves will see him like a cat. This second part is obvious as well, 'even in the voices that are heard.' So even if George just hears our voice, he'll still turn into a cat."

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