Ch. 28 - Downpour

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George stormed off in the direction of the park, His face red with embarrassment. Why did Dream have to say that? And why did George's face have to blush so easily? He could hear Dream laughing behind him, which only made George blush more. He sighed and picked up his pace. He needed to calm down before turning around and letting Dream see him.

Dream watched George speedwalk away from him with a smile. George was so easy to read. "brrrrr, brrrrr, brrrr." Dream pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Hello?"

George walked into the park, A lot of people were around, playing games on the field or at the skatepark. George wandered over to the playground and sat down at the empty swings. He watched silently as a mother followed her three-year-old little girl around and helped her go down the slide.

He smiled softly, it reminded him of his mother, he hadn't called her in forever. Maybe now that he looked like himself again he could facetime her. But he didn't bring his phone with him so he'll have to wait until he gets home. Right now he should hang out with Dream. He looked around but Dream was nowhere in sight. How fast was he walking? George shrugged it off. Dream won't take too long, he told himself.

"Excuse me."

George looked up to see the young mother from before. "Yes?"

"Hi, sorry to bother you. This is probably really weird, but my daughter just loves cats. And you're cosplay looks so cool, could she get a picture with you?"

"Cosplay?" George asked confused.

"Yeah, your cat ears and tail."

George felt his stomach twist. Of course, the spell wasn't as easy as saying I love you. Maybe it only gave George a little time before turning back into a catboy. He forced a smile, "Sure, just don't post it online."

She smiled, "Okay, Mila, come over here." The little girl came running over. George knelt on the ground next to her. The mum took out her phone and took a few pictures.

"Are you a real cat person?" Mila asked.

George laughed, "Maybe."

Mila stared at him with wonder, "Wow."

George waved goodbye to them and quickly left to go find Dream. He was freaking out, what if a fan saw him like this? How was he going to explain it? George saw a group of twelve-year-old boys walking toward him, he hastily hid behind a tree. George sighed and looked down at his feet, only to see a Great Dane dog staring at him. George took in a deep breath, please don't start barking at me. He pleaded to himself.

"Bark, bark, bark!!" George felt faint. He had to get away, but his feet wouldn't move. "Bark, Bark!" Where the hell was the owner of this dog?! The dog moved closer with every bark. Was this random dog going to bite him? He didn't want to stay to find out, He forced his body to move. His cat instincts kicked in and the next thing he knew he was 10 feet off the ground. He sat in the tree looking down at the still very mad dog. Finally, the owner came over and took the dog away not even noticing George in the tree.

Today sucks, George thought.

He was about to jump down before he realized just how high up he was. George wasn't scared of most things, but heights, heights terrified him. How did he let himself climb up so high? George felt the wind pick up, and the tree started swaying. He closed his eyes and hugged one of the breaches. Could this day get any worse? And where was Dream?

George let a few tears fall down his cheeks. He just wanted to go home. Today had been so stressful, he just wanted it to be over. He wanted to fall asleep in Dream's warm arms. He didn't want to be a cat anymore. He just wanted to be normal.

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