Ch. 22 - Night and day

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"Good, come to bed with me." Dream whispered into George's ear. The brunette took in a sharp breath, Dream's breath felt hot on his skin.

George slowly nodded his head and let Dream guide him to the bed. Dream wrapped his warm hands around George's bareback and slowly lowered him down onto the bed.

George jumped a little as the cold sheets hit his skin. He tried to pull Dream closer to him but Dream backed away. George whined, "Dreammmm!"

Dream chuckled as he sat up and pulled off his shirt, "What?"

George pouted as he made grabby hands, "I'm cold."

Dream threw his shirt onto the ground before hovering his body over George's, "What do you want me to do about it?" He said with a cheeky grin.

George pulled Dream closer, "Cuddle me, idiot."

Dream giggled but did as he was told. He encircled his arms around George's waist and let his head rest in between his boyfriend's jaw and neck. George shifted a little under him until he found a more comfortable spot. George's hand wandered onto Dream's bareback and started tracing calming circles up and down it. "Dream?"

"Mhm?" Dream mumbled into George's neck.

"How are you okay with this?" George muttered.

Dream pulled away to look George in the eyes, "What?" He asked obviously confused.

George looked off to the side, trying to avoid Dream's gaze. "I-I mean, I'm half cat. I'm a f-freak. How are you okay being with someone like that?" George stuttered out.

Dream frowned, "Is that how you think about yourself?"

George let one of his hands wander up to his cat ears, he sighed as he felt them. "I guess..." He whispered.

Dream pulled George impossibly close to himself and started kissing him all over his pretty face. "George, you, are, beautiful. I will love you no matter what you look like." Dream kissed him softly on the lips. George tasted like cake. Sweet and full of love. George started kissing him faster, wanting more. Dream drew away. "George." He said so fondly that George felt as if he was going to melt away.

"Y-yes?" He choked out, suddenly forgetting how to breathe.

"Even if you have fluffy ears and a long tail, you're still my George. And as long as you're my George, I will love you forever." Dream lowered himself back down and kissed George passionately. Leaving George breathless. George opened his mouth, allowing Dream to go even further. Both of them tasting the cake they had eaten earlier that night. Dream let his tongue explore all of George's mouth, savouring the sweet flavour.

He broke away to breathe. George's face was bright red and he was breathing heavily. Dream smiled, he always enjoyed making George flustered. Dream shifted down to George's neck and started sucking and biting it. George wiggled underneath him. Dream bite down hard, causing George to quickly cover his mouth as he moaned.

There was a knock on the door.

both boys stopped dead in their tracks. Dream quickly rolled off of George and pulled the covers over them. "Yes?" he called out.

"Can I came in?" It was Karl.

Dream looked over at George, who nodded his head and sat up. Dream tossed him one of his hoodies. George looked at him confused, "what's this for?" He whispered.

Dream smirked and licked his lips, "to hide all the love bites I gave you."

George blushed and pulled the hoodie over his head.

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