Ch. 24 - Georgenotfound

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Dream watched in shock as a black and white cat ran away from the beach. He turned to see the same confused expression on Sapnap's face, "What the fuck just happened?"

Quackity and Karl came swimming up to them, "Did George just turn into a cat?" Karl questioned.

"Yeah, what the fuck was that shit?!" Quackity demanded.

Dream rubbed the back of his neck, he felt guilty. Did George turn back into a cat because of him? Was it something he did? Was George going to stay a cat forever this time?

"Should we go look for him?" Sapnap asked as he walked out of the water.

"I guess..." Dream answered sounding unsure.

Sapnap grabbed Karl's hand and pulled him onto the shore, "Come on, Karl, let's check the pier."

Karl blushed, "T-together?"

"Of course! Dream and Quackity can go look for him somewhere else." Sapnap and Karl left giggling and holding hands.

Quackity laughed, "This is so stupid, my two fiances just left me!" Quackity walked over to Dream and put a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, are you okay? You're looking a little pale... Though your boyfriend did just yell out that he hates you and then turned into a cat. Which is pretty fucked up." Dream glared at him, "Anyway, I'm going to go look for George. Have fun pouting." Quackity quickly ran off.

Dream sighed, was George going to be mad at him? He slowly made his way back to the car because that was the only place he could think of that George would go.


George wandered around the boardwalk, dodging in and between people's feet. Being a cat sucked, everyone was always taller than you. George's stomach growled.

How was he going to get food as a cat? He should probably go back to Dream and the feral boys. George turned around and started heading back until he came across a T on the path. 

Which way did he come from again? He shrugged, it probably didn't matter all that much, how many beaches could Florida have? He turned down the left one and almost ran into someone's ugly shoes. "Meow!" Sorry!


That voice sounded oddly familiar. He looked up to see a teary-eyed Dream. George's heart broke, did he make Dream cry? "Meow." Are you okay? He asked softly. Dream sat down on the boardwalk beside him.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered.

George rubbed his body against Dream's legs. It's okay, "Meow."

Dream scooped George up into his arms and kissed him sweetly on top of the head. "Why did you run away?" he asked into George's fur. George started purring, he liked being in Dream's arms. Dream giggled and stood back up, "Let's get you to the car so you can turn back."

As they made their way back, George started drifting off to sleep, the sun was so nice and warm on his fur and Dream was carrying him so protectively, it was like nothing in the world could hurt him.

Dream unlocked the car and crawled into the back with George asleep in his arms. He gently laid George down beside him and pulled out his phone, he sent a quick text to the boys, letting them know that George was found. Dream made sure to not look at George so he could turn back. Hopefully, it still worked. Please let it still work. Dream didn't know what he would do if it didn't. And why did George turn back into a cat in the first place? Dream closed his eyes and laid back in the car seat. maybe a little nap would help pass the time.

George woke up first, he looked at himself in the rearview mirror and smiled he was a human again. He then noticed a cute sleeping Dream next to him. George smiled, he hovered over the sleeping boy and studied his beautiful face, he had little freckles all over and he smelled like the ocean. George's eyes landed on Dream's soft, kissable, pink lips. He licked his own lips and then connected them lightly.

Dream slowly woke up and smiled into the kiss. He didn't even have to open his eyes to know it was George kissing him. George always kissed him smoothly and methodically. Like he thought about every move before doing it. Dream wrapped his arms around the smaller boy and pulled him closer. Their breaths intermingled and became one. George's body slid on top of Dreams as they deepened the kiss. Dream licking George's lips, asking for more. George willingly opened his mouth and let Dream's tongue have all of him. Dream felt hot and flustered, butterflies danced in his stomach. George pulled away. "Dream, open your eyes." He whispered with a heavy British accent.

Dream slowly opened them, He smiled at the beautiful boy in front of him, "You're back."

"I am." George giggled.

Dream sighed heavily and hugged George tighter, "I was so worried."

George let his hands run through Dream's half-wet hair. "Mhm, me too."

Dream rested his head on George's shoulder, "Do you know why you turned into a cat again? Was it something I did?"

"Umm, maybe? I was going to go swim with you but when all of a sudden I was petrified by the water. I don't think I've been that scared in my life. It didn't even make sense. All I know is that I had to get away. But then you came to drag me in and I started to freak out." George pulled away and looked Dream in the eyes, "I didn't mean what I said to you... I don't hate you."

Dream grabbed George's hand and kissed it, "I know. And I'm sorry I didn't listen to you... I should have noticed."

George shook his head, "No, It's okay, it's a stupid fear. I don't know why I have it."

Dream frowned, "George, You just said it was the most scared you've ever been. You shouldn't have to be forced into it."

George looked down at their intertwined fingers, "Okay..." His stomach growled again.

"Are you hungry?" Dream giggled.

George nodded his head, "Can we get ice cream?"

"That's not food." Dream stated.

George rolled his eyes, "Please? I've been through a lot today."

Dream sighed, "Fine. I'll tell the others to meet us at the ice cream parlour." Dream pulled out his phone.

George tore the phone out of Dream's hands, "Can it just be us? Like a date?" He blushed.

Dream smirked, "What? You want me all to yourself? is someone jealous?"

George handed him back the phone, "Fine! Invite them, see if I care." he huffed and turned away.

Dream immediately pulled George back towards him, "I was just joking! Yes, let's go on a date." He kissed George on the cheek. "Sapnap and the other two are all hanging at the arcade anyway. So they shouldn't miss us too much."

"Okay!" George said happily. he got out of the car and waited for Dream. Dream got out and locked the doors before grabbing George's hand and walking back toward the beach.

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