Ch. 11 - Welcome to the family

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"What?! Dream! What are we going to do?" George stood up and started pacing around the room. "They can't see me like this and I'm not a full-on cat anymore. Dream why would you invite them over? Why is this happening to meeeeeeee!"

Dream grabbed George's hand and pulled him back in bed, pulling him into a hug. "Relax, I'll think of something... Stay here and I'll go talk to them."

"What are you doing to say?" George looked at Dream and pouted.

Dream caressed George's face, "Why do you have to be so cute?"

"Dweam! Staring at me isn't helping." George whined and paw swapped Dream's hand away.

Dream smiled, "It's helping my heart."

"Ugh, Dream, you're so annoying." George flopped down on the bed.

"It's your fault for being so attractive!" Dream laughed.

"Dream, seriously, focus! This is a life or death situation!" George shot daggers at him.

"I'll be able to focus if you kiss me." Dream smirked.

George sat up, "When did you become so needy?"

"Once again, it's your fault for being so hot."

"Dream! Shut up, you idiot. Think of something." George begged.

"If I come up with a plan, then will you kiss me?"

"Sure, whatever. Just think of something!"

"Okay... So they're here to see my new cat, which was you... I don't suppose you can turn back into one?"

George glared at him, "As if I know how this cat thing works. It's not like I can control it."

"Ok, bad idea, I get it. You're not a morning person are you?"

"Dream, stay focused, please. I don't have the patience for you."

"Right, sorry. Umm, how do you feel about getting a new cat?"

George groaned and facepalmed, "Is that really the best you can come up with? And what I'm I suppose to well they're here? Hide in the closet?"

Dream stood up and made his way over to his closet.

"Dream, I was joking, please don't make me hide in the closet."

Dream pulled out one of his merch hoodies and tossed it at George's face. "Change into that, putting the hood up should cover your ears and it's long enough to cover your cute tail as well."

"Why is everything about me cute?" George questioned as he slipped off his old hoodie.

Dream found himself staring at George's milky-white skin, He was so slim and half-naked. Sitting there on Dream's bed, looking extremely handsome. "George, maybe don't put on that hoodie." Dream breathed out.

"What? Why?" George asked softly.

There was a knock on the door, "Dream, are you awake?" It was Drista, Dream's sister.

Dream and George stared at each other in horror. George hurriedly slipped on Dream's hoodie and run to the closet, "I'll be in here." He whispered.

Dream frowned. What about my kiss? He sighed and opened the door, "Good morning, Drista."

"Hi, where's the new cat?"

"Aaaaaa, good question, I'm sure he's around here somewhere. Try and find Patches, they're usually together."

"Kay, mom's making pancakes in the kitchen by the way." Drista turned around and made her way down the hallway.

"Be there soon." Dream called after her. He closed the door. "You can come out now, George."

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