Ch. 6 - Believe Me

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Dream woke up with the sun hitting his face. "What time is it?" He questioned as he sat up and reached for his phone on the bedside table. The phone read 5:30 am, "What the hell! Why did I wake up so early." Dream groaned and fall back in bed. He was about to drift back off to sleep when he remembered seeing a message from George on his lock screen. He quickly sat back up and opened the message.

George <3

Good Morning, Dream! :)

This is going to sound super

random and weird, but I should

probably tell you sooner than later.

I lied to you about visiting my family

and am actually in Florida! Just

not in the way either of us hoped.

I'm not myself. How do I word this...

You know the new cat you found.

That's me! Stop laughing! I'm NOT

joking! To prove to you I'm telling

the truth look at Twitter. They're

probably all freaking out by now.

and when you're done with that

go out to the kitchen, I'll be waiting

for you. Please believe me!

Dream reread the message a few times. He was so confused. What was George talking about? He clicked on Twitter to see 'George in Florida' trending... again. The first tweet on his feed was George's, it was a picture of George in Dream's kitchen holding Patches in his arms with the caption, 'I'm home' under it.

Dream jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen. The kitchen was empty and there was no sign of George. But Prince was sleeping on the counter right beside a note. Dream took the note, it was handwritten, and though Dream had only seen George's handwriting a couple of times, it was still obvious that it was his. he started reading it.

Dear Dream and Sapnap,

Hello, It is me, George! I am Prince the cat. And I know it makes no sense! And I also know Dream will be the most skeptical since he wouldn't believe in a ghost even if one punched him in the gut. anyway, I decide to surprise you guys a week earlier than planned but when I arrived at the Florida airport an old lady asked me for a bagel. Random, right? I said no, obviously. And then she cursed me. And not like in a, fuck you way, but like an actual witch spell! She said something about the people you love will never see the real you. A feline allusion will be cast over their eyes. Something about the moon crying and true love, Soulmates. And that I have to correct a mistake. I ignored her and didn't think much about it until I knocked on your door and turned into a cat. I can only turn back into a human when no one looks at me for about half an hour.

So there you have it, I laid it all out for you, and now it's your choice if you want to believe me or not. But feel free to test me, aka the cat. And I'm still George, your best friend, just in a cat's body.

Sincerely George

Dream looked over at the sleeping cat on the kitchen counter, that was George? If this was a prank, it was an awful one. Dream reached over and started stroking Prince/George between the ears. George slowly woke up and opened his eyes.

Dream studied Prince's eyes, they were a dark chocolate colour with a honey glow. They looked just like George's.

Good morning, "Meow." Prince yawned,

"So, you're George?" Dream asked, feeling stupid for talking to a cat like it was his best friend.

George sit up straight and nodded his head vigorously.

Dream chuckled, "Okay... How do we prove this?"

George jumped off the counter and caressed Dream's leg with his face, silently asking Dream to follow him. He walked to the spare bedroom with Dream trailing close behind him. George found his phone on the ground and pawed at it. "Meow."

Dream picked up the phone, the lock screen lit up, the background was a galaxy, and the clock was in London time. "Is this your phone?"

"Meow." Yes! George nodded his head.

"Do you know the password?"

George pawed at Dream's leg, asking for him to show him the phone. Dream compiled and sit down on the floor with George. George pointed to the numbers with his little pew and Dream pressed them and soon the phone was unlocked.

Dream's brain could barely comprehend what was happening, "Okay, must cats can't do that." He admitted, "But how could a human turn into a cat? And why did it have to be you?"

"Meow!" I wish I knew!

Dream frowned, "I don't know what you're saying."

George got an idea. He caressed Dream's hand and left the room. Dream quickly stood up and followed him. George hopped back onto the kitchen counter and pointed at the note he wrote.

Dream looked at where he was pointing, it read 'I can only turn back into a human when no one looks at me for about half an hour' Dream gave George a puzzled look. "You want me to go away?"

George shook his head from side to side, "Meow, meow!" Just don't look at me! Go on your phone or something!

Dream pouted, "I don't understand you."

George rolled his eyes. "Meow." Fine, just follow me. George walked over to Dream's room and found Dream's phone on his bed. He pawed at it and gave Dream pleading eyes.

"You want me on my phone?" Dream asked, still very confused.

George nodded his head.

Dream walked over and sat beside George, he grabbed his phone and opened up TikTok. George hid behind Dream's back. Dream would try to show George some TikTok's from time to time but George would just hide away from him. Dream soon gave up and just started scrolling mindlessly.

Dream was so lost in thought that he didn't even notice George wrap his hands around Dream's chest and George lay his head on Dream's back. "Hi."

Dream took in a sharp breath

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Dream took in a sharp breath. He hadn't heard George's voice in ages. It was like sweet honey to his ears. He didn't dare turn around and look at the pretty boy behind him. instead, he held one of George's hands in his own. Not looking at it, of course, just feeling it. George's hand was so soft, smooth and much smaller than his own.

"I'm sorry that this is how we have to meet for the first time. Not really how I pictured it." George giggled.

God, Dream really missed him.

"Thanks for believing me, I was so worried that you would think I was some crazy person."

"I could neve-" Dream felt the hand he was holding disappear. He turned around to see a cat. "Really, I can't even talk to you." Dream let out a frustrated sigh.

"Meow." Guess not.

"George, I miss you."

George licked Dream's hand. "Meow." I miss you too.

Dream face softened. "We'll find a way to break the spell, George, I promise."

I hope so.

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