Ch. 13 - I don't want to hurt you

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George was sitting on the living room floor playing with Patches and Peaches. Peaches was looking a lot more healthy with all the love and care George has been giving her. And Patches loved having a little sister around. Patches new favourite thing however was playing with George's tail, which was overly sensitive.

"Ahhh! Patches stop pouncing on it!" George whined, quickly standing up to avoid another attack. George left the cats to get a glass of water. As he walked into the kitchen he saw Dream at the stove, cooking up some pasta.

Dream turned around to smile at George, "Did Patches bite your tail again?"

George pouted, "No, she jumped right on top of it."

Dream chuckled, "Speak on the devil."

George looked down to see Patches and Peaches by his feet. "Why don't they ever leave me alone?"

"Probably has something to do that you're half cat." Dream walked over to George and kissed him on the forehead, "Also, who would ever want to be away from you?"

George rolled his eyes, "Are you ever going to stop flirting with me?"

Dream tapped his nose, "Nope." He turned back to his pasta and strained it. "Food will be ready in five minutes. Can you go tell Nick?"

George groaned, but still made his way upstairs with the cats following closing behind him. He knocked on Sapnap's door. "Food time!" He called through the door. He started heading back down the stairs when Sapnap's door opened.

"Wait, George, I need to talk to you," Sapnap whispered at him.

"Why are you whispering?"

"Shut up and come in here." He beckoned George inside his room.

George sat down on Sapnap's bed with the two cats following suit.

"They really do accompany you everywhere, huh," Sapnap said closing the door and sitting on the end of the bed beside George.

"Yeah, it's annoying. So what did you want to talk about?" George asked as he started petting Patches.

"Right, so I might have a crush on someone... But I don't know how to tell them. I thought you might be able to help me. You were the one to confess your feelings to Dream first, right?"

"I think we did it at the same time," George said trying to remember.

"How did you tell him?" Sapnap asked with hopeful eyes.

"Well, it was kind of awkward since he couldn't talk to me without me turning into a cat. So He had to write everything down. He first asked me if I believed in soulmates and I said yes. Then he asked me who I thought was my soulmate and I replied him." George blushed as he remembered the sweet memory.

"And now you two are dating!" Sapnap beamed.

"What? No, we're not."

Sapnap gave him a confused face, "What do you mean, no? You both like each other. Why wouldn't you be dating?"

"Ah," George laughed nervously, "Let's go back to talking about you. So who's this person you like?"

"Ha, no, I want to talk about you and Dream for a little longer. Why don't you want to date him?"

"How do you know it's me that doesn't want to date? Why not Dream." George frowned.

"Please, we all know that Dream would marry you right now if he could."

George sighed, "I don't want to talk about this..."

Sapnap sat up straight, "Do you enjoy torturing him?"

"What? I'm not torturing him, he doesn't seem to mind waiting for me." George muttered.

"He might not show it George, but trust me, this is killing him. He's had a lot of toxic relationships in the past, I just want him to be happy. But if you're going to keep holding back your feelings you're only going to hurt him." Sapnap scooped Peaches into his lap.

George looked at the floor, "It's not the easy, Sapnap..."


"If I'm dating him, I should be able to say 'I love you' to him."

"What's holding you back?"


Sapnap put his finger to George's lips, "Whatever you were going to tell me, tell Dream, trust me, man." Sapnap got up and opened the door, "Let's go eat supper."

"What about your love life?" George questioned.

Sapnap chuckled, "I'm going to listen to my own advice."

George gave him a confused look. He and Sapnap walked down the stairs together and sat down at the dinner table. Dream smiled at both of them. He dished them all spaghetti and sat down next to George.

"Tell me if it's good." Dream said before shoving the food into his mouth.

Sapnap took a big bite, "It's good, Dream! You've improved a lot."

"Thanks. What do you think Georgie?" Dream asked sweetly.

George was staring off into space. He couldn't get Sapnap's words out of his head 'Do you enjoy torturing him?' 'What's holding you back?'" George sighed, what was holding him back? Why was it so hard to say I love you? What was wrong with him? Was he just hurting Dream? That's the last thing he would ever what to do.

"Hello, Earth to George." Dream said, waving his head in front of George's face.

George blinked, "What?"

"I asked if you liked my spaghetti?" Dream gave him a soft smile.

George frowned, "I'm sorry but I'm not very hungry." George pushed his plate away from him. "I'm going to bed." He quickly got up and left the room.

Dream sat there perplexed, "Did something happen?" He asked, looking over at Sapnap.

"I think you should go and talk to him."

Dream didn't need to be told twice, he immediately got up and went after George, he knocked on George's door. "Georgie, it's me. Can I come in?"

"O-okay..." George's voice sounded shaky.

Dream gently opened the door to see a tearing-eyed George cuddled up in his covers.

Dream became worried, "What happened? Why are you crying?"

"I-i don't want to hurt y-you Dweam." George choked out.

Dream's heart grew heavy. He walked over to George and sat down beside him. "Where is this coming from?"

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