Ch. 9 - I burn you?

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Dream slowly began to wake up. He felt something warm lying beside him, he wrapped his arms around it, pulling it closer to his body. It smelled nice, like vanilla and strawberries. Dream took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was a little white and black cat curled up beside him.

Dream let out a disappointed sigh. Why did George have to be a stupid cat? Dream needed to fix this, and immediately. Dream rushed out of bed and grabbed an outfit for the day. He headed toward the bathroom and had a quick shower then he got changed into his clothes. He ran up the stairs and knocked on Sapnap's door. "Sapnap! Wake up, We have to go to the airport and find the bitch!"

Sapnap leisurely made his way to the door, "What?" Sapnap asked half-asleep.

"Hurry up and get ready, we're leaving in ten minutes." Dream turned around and descended the staircase. He made his way back to his room, George was still deep in sleep. Dream sat down beside him and gently started petting him, "Georgie, wake up." Dream song. George started purring and opened one of his eyes.


"Good morning." Dream kissed George on top of his head. "Sapnap and I are going to the airport. Sadly, you're going to stay behind, I don't think they'll want a cat walking around. But you'll get to be a human for a few hours."

George nodded his head, hopefully, Dream and Sapnap would find the old lady and set things right. He rubbed his face against Dream's hand. "Meow." Thank you, Dream.

"I'm going to assume you just said, 'I love you Dream.'" Dream smirked.

George glared at Dream, he whacked Dream with his tail and jumped off the bed. He was off to find Patches. He hoped she was awake so that they could chase each other around. He was beginning to enjoy cat activities. Which was a little worrisome.

George found Patches under the sofa, sleeping peacefully. He got ready to pounce. He wiggled his tail and leaped on her. Patches woke up and instantly started attacking George. But not in a friendly way. She clawed at his paw. George howled. "Meeeowwwww!" He limped out from under the sofa and called for Dream, "Meow!"

Sapnap ran down the stairs, "Is Patches hurt?" He asked, his eyes fall on George. He looked at George's bleeding paw. "George, what did you do?" Sapnap rolled his eyes, "You're supposed to be the smart one."

George rolled his eyes, "Meow!" Just help me out, It hurts!

"You're always so demanding." Sapnap grabbed some paper towel and cleaned the blood off of George's paw. "There, now just avoid stepping on it. Kay?" Sapnap bopped George's nose.

I hate you.

Dream entered the living room, "What was that sound I heard?"

"George was just being an idiot again and hurt himself," Sapnap said standing up and throwing the paper towel out.

"What?! George are you okay?" Dream picked up George and inspected him for any sign of injury. He noticed the scrap on his left paw, "What happened? Are you going to be okay?" He turned to Sapnap, "Should we take him to the vet?"

"Clay, calm down, It's just a little scratch, he'll be fine. Now let's go, it's a long drive to the airport." Sapnap took George from Dream's hands and placed him on the sofa. "Come on, big man, he'll be okay." Sapnap pushed Dream toward the front door.

"O-okay, I'll see you later George! text us if you need anything, and don't forget to feed Patches." Dream yelled as Sapnap ushered him out the door.

The door shut. And George was alone.

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