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In the morning, my eyes fluttured open. I groaned as light flew into my eyes, almost blinding me. I rolled over in bed and immediately fell off.

I groaned once again, but this time not wanting to move from my comfortable position that was now on the floor.

A chuckle came from across the room, snapping my eyes awake. It was Amy, she had just been silently watching from her bed, probably enjoying the show. "You know it's already one in the afternoon, right? Like how long does it take you to wake up!" She asked a little too loud, causing me to pull my pillow down from my bed and use it to cover my ears.

Amy giggled once again, she was really annoying me now. I snatched the pillow from under my head and threw it at her face; my aim was perfect.

"Hey!" She launched the pillow back at me, but I dodged, quickly getting up and rushing towards the bathroom. "So I was thinking we could explore Campus a bit before tommorow." I heard Amy suggest.

"Uh sure," I told her, "But I need to get ready, especially since you woke me up," I complained.

After a while me and Amy had gotten ready to explore campus. We wandered out of our room, down the elevator and finally out the main doors.

"Whoa," my roommate gasped, looking up at the huge buildings towering over us. "This is pretty cool."

I nodded in agreement, not really taking in what she had just said. Laughter came from other students that filled campus, every one of them stunned in their tracks.

"You looking forward to your law classes?" I asked Amy, pulling my attention away from others and actually engaging in a conversation.

"Yea, of course I am! I'll remember you when I'm a millionaire lawyer," she joked.

"And I'll remember you when I'm a billionaire."

Amy rolled her eyes playfully, as we strolled down numerous pathways, until we met a tall building. It was a library.

"It looks abandoned," Amy stated obviously. Nobody else was around the area, they had all been too busy gazing at other buildings. "How about we go in?" Was she joking? It was
literally abandoned and was most definitely restricted.

"B-but-" I started.

"No buts," Amy tutted, "More open to ideas," she mocked.

"I know, but wouldn't it be, like, restricted, like we may get kicked out before we even start."

"We'll be fine!"

"Famous last words."

"Fine, whatever, I'll go in alone," she stated, putting emphasis on 'alone' .

"Okay, okay, okay!" I finally gave in, "We can go in, just not today."

She took a deep breath in and nodded, "Alright, " then she turned back towards another building, "How about the launguage building?!"

I nodded and we spent hours exploring every single building on Campus (not including the library), until we had finished.

Amy then suggested that we went to the cinema and I obviously agreed- mostly due to the fact that she was paying.

Hours later, it was around seven pm, me and Amy had spent the full day out, frequently bugging and annoying each other.

We soon found ourselves at the door of our dorm, "That was fun! Even though you did roast me about two hundred times..."

Her comment made a smirk form on my face, as we strolled back into the room.

"Ima head into the shower," she told me, her accent coating her words.

With a nod, I strolled toward the bedroom, "Okay, I'll be in our room." Even though my back was turned to her, I could still sense a slight nod, as I leaped onto my bed.

I turned on a Netflix series, groaning in annoyance as the series got more boring, due to my weak attention span.

I instantly pulled out my laptop to find an unopened email waiting to be opened. It read:

Привет/ privet (hello) Y/N,

It was nice to see that you had applied to join my Russian class. And it gives me even greater joy to tell you that your application has been kindly accepted. I look forward to meeting you all; classes start tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2:15 pm.

из/iz (from) Miss Romanoff.

"What you looking at?" I heard a voice call from across the room. Amy was stood at the doorway, before she walked in towards my laptop. I quickly turned it towards her and she seemed to read the message mentally.

"I got accepted into the Russian class," I answered her question a bit late.

"No fucking way!"

I scrunched my eyebrows and pulled the device back towards me, "What?" I didn't see anything weird on it.

"Miss Romanoff's your Russian teacher?!"

I stared at Amy confused, her jaw dropping to the floor, "I guess so, why?"

"Dude!" She yelled out, "She's the hottest teacher in the whole faculty!"

"That's nice..." I didn't need to know about my Russian teacher and all the students crushing and simping over her, especially one of my best friends.

"That's nice?!" She seemed really frustrated at this point, "I would do anything to be you right now!"

I nodded awkwardly, trying to hold in my laughter at how annoyingly over-dramatic she was being.

"Alright cool, now can we stop talking about my hot Russian teacher?!" I asked, slightly taunting and making fun of her.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes. I chuckled slightly at her comment. "Then why don't we do a movie marathon tonight to celebrate our last day not doing any lessons?" Amy suggested. I agreed and slowly, but surely we both drifted into a deep sleep.


A/N hey guys, the next part is going to be actually meeting Nat and all that, I hope you like it!

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