'Text me'

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Y/N's POV:

I wandered through the crowded halls of the university, searching for my second class. I probably looked like a bobblehead, but in that moment I didn't care, I was late to Ms Byers' class and she was honestly going to murder me.

I hurried into the room, slowly slipping in, "S-sorry I'm late, " I muttered to the teacher that looked deep in thought. She was completely zoned out, I was confused for a second but decided to use it to my advantage and sit on my seat.

The lesson passed and it was extremely boring, however the teacher had made no attempt to pick on me today, which was quite unusual.

It was my next lecture, and I had actually arrived on time for this class, however Dr Pepper seemed to be in a bad mood. This lesson was the complete opposite to one before; it whizzed by and it was already mine and Amy's free period.

I strolled into the café. Eventually finding a spot for me, Amy and some of our new friends to sit at, my phone lit up once again. The same unknown number trailed along the screen, adding to my nerves, by the second.

I shakingly grabbed my phone, opening the contact. Quickly, my eyes scanned the threatening message in my head. (a/n: I'm not even gonna try writing a threatening message)

*threatening message*

I read the words: they were pretty much the same as all of the previous ones, except this one seemed a bit more personal. 'Teacher' 'student'.

Pictures of Miss Romanoff automatically flooded through my mind. I wobbled my head, a bit, getting rid of the thoughts.

Maybe, the person following me the other day is the mysterious person sending these texts. Anyone would have figured this out before me, but I was stupid.

A tray slammed down on the table in front of me, "Hey," Amy voiced, an annoyed tone, clearly filling it.

"What's wrong this time?" I asked her.

"Nothing much, except from the fact that I woke up early as hell this morning because of my stupid alarms!" She explained, "So now I really need some sleep."

I tsked, before replying, "Shouldn't have set twenty alarms then. "

She sent me a glare, then spoke once again, "I can't believe you slept through all of th-" she then decided to give me a hushed whisper, "A-another text?" she motioned towards my phone.

I nodded, as I handed her it, her eyes widening as she read the context.

"You and Miss Romanoff didn't-" she stopped herself before turning her whisper into an audible sound, with her hands around both sides of her mouth to make sure nobody except me could lip-read what she was saying.

She immaturely mouthed the words 'sleep together'.

I rolled my eyes at her then shook my head. She released a sigh, before continuing, "So why, exactly is this assshole texting you again. More specifically with these specific words involved? "

"I don't know but whatever that reason is, I don't think it's good.. "

Amy looked as if she was about to say something, but quickly shut up and passed me back my phone when our friend leaped into the seat beside her while another hopped in the one beside me.


I arrived at the Russian door, nerves overwhelming me as I thought of the goddess behind the door. I opened the door, stepping in.

There she was... She sat at the computer, scrolling through what seemed to be files, supposedly waiting for the bell to ring. Then she looked up and her eyes met mine.

The green glitter in her eyes made a small grin appear on my face, before the bell rung, knocking me out of my trance. As I sat, I could still feel her eyes on me and the room was getting hotter by the second.

Miss Romanoff started off her lesson, but it was all inaudible as I watched as she swayed her hips around the class, explaining something. "Need any help, Y/N?" Miss Romanoff asked.

"Uh sure." The goddess moved towards me, as I had just noticed that there were only two other people in the room.

She scooted a chair up to my desk pointing out some words in Russian. About halfway through her explanation, I felt her hand run up my thigh.

It sent that familiar weird shock through me again and her touch made my heart flutter lightly. "And that means... "

Her breath was easing against my ear, as she continued to draw little shapes on my thigh. Suddenly, she left me in shock as she grazed higher up my thigh, while she stepped away.

I shook myself out of my thoughts and started with the work, occasionally glancing at Miss Romanoff.

After the lesson had finished, Miss Romanoff becokoned me over to my desk, since I was the last one out of the classroom.

I smiled and sauntered towards her desk, sitting at the seat opposite her. As she stood up, she found herself sitting on the desk ahead of me, legs at either side. This was getting way less PG.

She put her hand on my thigh, once again, "How were you finding my lesson today? "

"I- uh, what? Oh, yeah it was great."

"You sure? You didn't seem to be paying much attention."

"No, I just, uh, zoned out for a bit, sorry, " I gave her a smile. I felt her eyes scanning my face. I moved my own to meet hers and I found myself getting lost in the beauty of them.

She smirked, continuing to draw imaginary shapes on my thigh. She knew what she was doing, you could tell by the look in her eyes, but she didn't seem to pull away and I didn't want to either.

Instead she put her face closer to mine, "Try not to zone out too much, eh? " She queried. I nodded, still lost in her beautiful eyes.

"Words детка {baby}."

I felt another slight flutter in my stomach at the nickname, again, "Yes Miss Romanoff. "

"Good girl."

I gulped, taking a stand, and adjusting my eyes to the door and taking a step back, "That all Miss Romanoff? "

"Yep that's all." She walked in front of me, holding the door open, as she grinned. While walking out I felt the same minty breath on my ear again, "Text me, котенок (kitten) "

"Will do Miss, " was the last thing I said, before I hurried out of the classroom and towards my dorm.

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