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Nat's POV:

Today was the day all students found their dorm and dorm mates. Another year, another class. 'Hopefully at least one student will actually stay the full year,' I thought to myself.

Every year, it was always the same, after the first two months the students would always drop out of the class, so it doesn't affect their grade.

I had hoped that this year be different and for some reason I had a little more hope than all years before.

I sat at my computer, as applications flooded in, just like all the years before.

I sighed and scrolled through the applications doing a background check on each one.

Hours later, I had put together a list of students that could possibly stay for the full year.

Like any other normal day, I did some work, talked with the uni board and eventually went to bed.

The next morning I had found a late application to my class. It seemed that it had been sent late the day before. For some reason this application spoke to me in some way.

Y/N Y/L/N.

Quickly, yet quietly, I did a background check on the girl. Her mom had been born in Russia and she had studied French in high school. It seemed that that was about all there was about her previous languages.

So I checked up on Y/N's attendance and her participation in other classes in her old school.

She was quite quiet, but apparently she did have good grades in nearly all her classes.

"Promising..." I muttured to myself.

And with that, I added her to my list. Students had until later today to send in their applications.

However, I had a feeling she was going to be the last one, as all other applicants had sent in theirs earlier the day before.

Hours later, I had gotten no new applications to my class, so I chose a list of students, making sure to put Y/N on it; I don't know why, but I felt drawn to this girl for some reason.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲

By the time the first Russian lesson of the year came around, I had noticed that we were missing one person: Y/N.

God, I should've known that this was too good to be true. My gut instinct had failed me for the first time in forever.

I sighed and plopped in my seat and watched as the students got every question wrong. Maybe it was time to quit teaching Russian.

I mean, all the years were the same. The students would just gaze at me for the full lesson, hardly paying attention.

About 5 minutes had passed, but it felt like an hour, that was when a beautiful girl stumbled into the classroom.

"S-Sorry I'm late," she said in between pants. Wait, was that Y/N?!

A small smirk tugged at my lips but I quickly forced it to settle, while I made a cocky comment, seeing her give me a shy grin.

I shook my head, getting rid of the inappropriate thoughts and saw her looking for a seat amongst the nineteen students.

"There's a spare seat, right there," I pointed. She nodded and wandered towards it, fiddling with the rings on her hands.

I gazed at her for about the whole lesson. She answered all questions correctly and spoke Russian flawlessly.

I watched her scrunch her nose everytime someone had gotten a question wrong. Luckily, she hadn't caught me staring at her.

She tucked her hair behind her ear, while listening to everything I said. The way she clicked her pen, when she was was thinking.

The way she ran her fingers through her hair when she was zoned out, made me smirk even more and for some reason, I couldn't stop.

I asked a few questions, and of course, she was the only one that could answer them correctly.

After a while, it was the end of the lesson. I had asked Y/N to stay after class and she did.

I saw and felt the panic that filled her face, before she began apologising for her lateness once again.

She told me about how she had lost track of time and probably would have kept cutely blabbering on if I hadn't have reassured her.

Telling her that I just wanted to congratulate her on her work, she smiled.

I placed my hand on her shoulder in comfort and A very light crimson colour filled her cheeks, before she looked down, attempting to hide it.

Y/N stood up and after a while pulled her head up and our eyes met. Her eyes glimmered in the light, instantly meeting mine.

We stared into each others eyes, neither of us daring to look away, until a loud knock came from outside the classroom.

The door swung open and a young girl came stumbling in. She rambled on and on about needing to borrow Y/N.

I nodded agreeing, as I let her out of the classroom, watching her and her friend leave.

I sighed and sat back at my desk. Hopefully I hadn't just scared the only student I could have for the full year off...


A/N : Yea this was a little short and late, but that's my updating schedule for y'all :)

Word count - 891

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