Fast food and a hooded figure

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Miss Romanoff's POV:

Two weeks had passed since I had last even spoken to Y/N. Two fucking weeks.

I kept trying to control myself around her and it was getting more difficult by the day.

I was teaching Y/N's class, getting lost in her appearance, like all of the previous days before that, when there was a knock on the door.

Of course it was Mr Mason, the principle. He called Y/N out and I could feel my face crumple up in confusion.

She walked out of the classroom door, leaving me with a bunch of other students that payed no attention to the lesson whatsoever. I shook my head and continued teaching. Once the lesson was over, I sighed and sat back in my chair.

After a while, I wandered out onto campus, searching for my car in amongst about ten.

It lit up and I hopped into it, giving my bags the opportunity to go into shotgun. I wheeled my car around out of campus and drove.

On the way to my house, I saw a fast food place and decided to go in and order something, since the drive thru line was way too long. Walking into the fast food place, I joined the short queue, quickly trying to decide what I wanted to eat.

Finally, I had chosen what to eat and ordered it too. I was waiting for my order to be called up for collection, when a lady caught my eye- of course it was Y/N!

She was with two people that seemed to be her friends, one was Amy, the girl that I had met the day of the fire.

Great. I averted my attention to the floor waiting for my number to be called.

The lady finally called my number and I wandered towards the till, not before sneaking a quick a glance at Y/N.

I heard Amy telling Y/N that she had to rush back to campus, because she had her last lesson in less than ten minutes.

She hurried out of the building, while the other two stayed behind and continued snacking on their food.

As I was walking out, successfully avoiding being seen by Y/N or any one of her friends, I looked back and saw someone in a black hoodie and a mask glaring at Y/N.

Even though it somehow disgusted me, I thought nothing of it, because Y/N was pretty beautiful; I would be staring too.

I hurried towards my car, climbing into it. I chose to eat my food in the car and after I was finished I spotted Y/N and her friend walking out.

Her friend hopped in a taxi and Y/N waved her goodbye as it headed the other way from the university.

I shook my head and took one last sip of my milkshake. I contemplated giving her a ride back to the university, but decided against it.

Right then, the hooded figure wandered out of the bar after Y/N. Squinting, I looked back at Y/N that didn't seem to notice the person at all.

She continued walked down the sidewalk, so I drove after her, inspecting the creep following her, even though I was doing the same...

I rode after her and once she had turned the corner, I rolled my window down, gesturing her to hop in the car. She gave a confused look, but didn't question it and sat beside me.

I started driving, not saying a word, which now that I think about it was kinda creepy. Y/N also remained silent, seemingly trying to process what was happening.

An uncomfortable silence crowded the space between us before I finally pulled up, after we had lost the hooded figure.

I turned to face Y/N, trying to stop myself from getting lost in her eyes. She took the opportunity to speak, probably noticing that I was trying to figure out what to say.

"Uh, w-why did you suspiciously pull me into your car? " She asked chuckling a bit, which made me smile.

I bit my lip, and looked away from her, "There was someone behind you."

"W-what? " her eyebrows furrowed up.

"There was this person in a hoodie, who was also at the fast food place, " I explained, "after your friends left th-they, uh, followed you... "

She seemed as she was searching her mind for words, but nothing came to mind, as she took in a deep breath, "You were following me?"

"No! I know how it sounds, but I just found the restaurant and was pretty hungry so I decided to-"

"I'm kidding," Y/N stopped me, pulling my hands into hers in reassurance. She pulled out her phone, seemingly checking her notifications for any new messages.

I couldn't help but take a glance, I saw some funny contact names and an unknown number. As she clicked on the contact, I saw a glance of one of the messages, that was most definitely a threat, before she turned it over and turned her phone off.

I didn't want to bother her about it so I just tried to ignore it, still worried for her safety.

"W-what did this person look like? " she asked, as she waited for an answer.

I felt bad not actually being able to give her one, "I-I don't know, their face was covered."

She sighed and nodded, "Uh would you mind taking me back to campus?" she asked, hope glowing in her eyes, noting that we had passed the university.

"Sure," I beamed and drove back to the university.

As I pulled up at the back, I stopped Y/N from getting out. I found a spare peice of paper in my car, along with a pen.

I jotted down my number quickly and handed it to her, "If you need any help or anyone to talk to. "

I saw her eyes light up with happiness, as she took the paper from my hand and nodded, before stepping out of my car.

"Thanks," she gave me a grin and got out of the car heading towards the campus.

I smiled once again, 'maybe this, whatever this is, can work out, ' I thought to myself letting love win.

A/N - Don't mind this chapter, I wrote it at 2am and struggled working out what 19-3 was for abt 20 minutes

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