Tracking And Tracing

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Y/N's POV:

"So how long exactly have you been getting these texts for?" A voice asked, shaking me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, what?" I queried, looking up at the three ahead of me.

"I was asking roughly how long you have been getting these text for." Maria repeated as she typed away on her laptop, before stopping and looking up at me for an answer.

"Uh I don't know, maybe two months or so." I replied as I took a seat near Peter at the couch in their dorms.

Thor sighed, "Do you have any ideas on who it is sending them?"

I shook my head, as I watched Maria try to track where the call came from. She was pretty much the smart one and could hack into anything.

The other two were just here for moral support and because Maria insisted and said that they could help.

"And you didn't think to head to the authorities about it?" Maria questioned.

"Well, of course I did... eventually. But I mean now I'm not so sure about going. We never know what could happen to everyone else. They already took one person I care about and I can't lose another." I told them, mentally referring to Natasha and not wanting to lose Amy.

"Yeah and who exactly is that?"

"Does it matter?" I asked, folding my arms, as Thor decided to speak again.

He cleared his throat, "And-"

"Guys! Maybe she doesn't wanna be asked so many questions." Peter finally spoke up, sounding quite reasonable, "Seriously you guys are making it sound like you're interogatting her! When we should be figuring out who really needs interogatting." Peter said, trying to sound like a successful protester, but failing miserably.

"I get what he's saying... Even though he really needs to work on it." Maria told everyone in the room. She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, as she typed way on the keyboard. "Can you call again? That way I might be able to trace the call when you guys are talking."

"Uhm, sure," I grabbed my phone from the table dialing in Miss Romanoff's number. I hadn't told Maria, Thor or Peter who's number it really was or the relationship that was happening between me and Miss Romanoff.

As it started ringing, I sighed to myself, the phone still connected to the laptop, Maria at the ready to start tracking.

It rung for a while, until it stopped. It was obvious that the person on the other end had hung up. I shook my head, "They hung up." I told the group.

"Yeah we figured, since-" Maria gestured towards her laptop while had 'call ended' written in bold.

Tior sighed, "Sorry I haven't had my morning coffee. You know we used to have coffee all the time in Asg-" He started, before Peter kicked him in the foot, giving him a look. "Ow!"

I furrowed my eyebrows at the two, as Maria laughed awkwardly, "Don't worry, they're always this childish." She smiled.

I nodded at her, still a bit confused as to what the end of Thor's sentence was gonna be.

I shrugged, shaking off the suspicious thought, "So what do we do now?" I asked, reffering to our failed attempt to track down the unknown number.

"We wait." Maria replied, "When you get a call from that number, you press this," She showed me, pointing at a button on the phone that was in my hand, "Then, I should get a notification telling me that we're connected."

"And we'd be set." Peter finished.

I nodded in reply, "And you'll start tracking?"

"Yeah," Maria told me, "We might as well wait for that call since we have nothing else to do."

After Mr Mason's death, the university had announced that all classes would be cancelled until they sort everything out. We didn't know how long it was going to take, but it had only been a few hours since it was announced.

I nodded and let out a hopeful sigh, "I'm gonna go check if Amy's alright now," I uttered, "Like, the last time I saw her she was asleep."

"Yeah we get that, bye!" Thor yelled out, as I wandered towards the door.

"See ya." I yelled back at them, shutting the door behind me as I stepped out of Maria's dorm.

I figured that if Amy was awake, I should have an alibi to why I was not in our dorm, so I hurried out of Campus, just up the street and grabbed some food.

"Heyy Amy," I grinned wandering into the room, bag of food in hand, along with my phone.

She sat on the couch, looking like a disappointed parent waiting for their child, "Nuh uh don't 'Heyy Amy' me, I cannot believe-" Amy started, before she got distracted by the food in my hand. "Oooh." She rushed towards me, snatching the bag of food out of my hand.

"Hey, some of that's for me too!" I laughed, following her. Her eyes lit up, aggressively tearing the bag open to retrieve the food.

"I am starved," Amy said, "You left me alone and I don't know how to cook!" She whined.

"You're literally 19 and still don't know how to cook? Get a grip."

She rolled her eyes at my comment, "Fuck you." I smiled, sitting down with her and we sat in uncomfortable silence for a while  before I decided to start speaking yet again.

"What ya watching?" I asked, pointing at the Tv that had the Netflix opening on.

"A Netflix series." She replied sarcastically, "Where'd you go?"


"Yeah no shit," She snorted, making me giggle. I tried to come up with an excuse. "Oh my golly jeebus!" She swallowed the food in her mouth, "Natasha! You guys are meeting in secret now, right?"


"I knew it! But what I don't understand is why you didn't tell me!" She shoved me, "But luckily I always figure it out anyway," she smiled proudly, flopping back in her seat.

"You didn't need to know." I let out a breathy chuckle, trying to get her to believe her theory, even though she seemed to have already done all the work.

"This calls for a celebration! Let's have a full on movie night." She said, cheering, as she continued munching on her food. "I need to get y'all a ship name." She mentioned.

I rolled my eyes, as we sat for hours binging every series and watching every movie that we could find.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing, "Uh I gotta get this, so I'll be back in a sec." I told Amy, while observing the screen that had Natasha's contact on. She nodded, pausing the movie and going on to her phone.

I ran into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I quickly connected my phone to Maria's laptop, before finally accepting.


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