Fill me in

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Y/N's Pov:

"Who are you?"

The words struck me as soon as they left her dry lips. I sucked in a sudden breath, "I-"

"Nat, this is Y/N." Maria told her with a smile, gesturing to me.

"Natasha Romanoff." She stuck out her left hand and I hesitantly took it.

"Y-Y/N." Her emerald eyes glimmered, eyebrow raised teasingly, ushering me to continue, "Y/N, Y/L/N."

"Nice to meet you, Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N."

I gave a sheepish smile. My eyes screwed together for a second, lips parting slightly, but before I could say anything, a loud bang was heard from behind me.

I quickly turned around, as we watched for any sort of movement, The others stood ahead of me protectively; Maria yeilding a pistol, Thor with his knives, Natasha picking up a metal piece from the broken cell doors and Peter and Karla with their... hands?

I had no clue what they doing, watching intensely, as I took another gulp for air.

A moment of silence passed by, none of us making a sound. After a while, Nat dropped the metal rod, scaring all of us, before we all lowered our weapons too, taking a sigh.

"Y/N watch out!" Peter called, nodding behind me, but I was already onto it, elbowing the figure behind me, before tackling it to the ground.

"Didn't see that coming," Wanda giggled quietly.

He quickly clambered to his feet, or at least tried to, before Nat whacked him in the head with the metal rod, causing the masked blonde to fall to the ground.

"Ooh," Thor whinced, "That's gotta hurt."

"So you guys gonna fill me in?" I finally asked, getting pretty fed up and even more confused.

"Uh well-" Peter started.

"No." Maria cut him off, shaking her head, "I'm sorry about this, Y/N," She said to me, before I saw her gesture to Wanda.

"Sorry about... what exactl-" I didn't have time to finish my sentence before I fell to the ground, being shot with a red blast of air.

The last thing I was being able to hear was yells of protest from Natasha before I completely blacked out.


Natasha's POV:

"What are you doing?!" I objected, grabbing Wanda's hands and restraining her to stop her from blasting Y/N but it looked like she was already knocked out.

"Nat!" Maria yelled at me, "She's-"

"What exactly is she doing, Maria?" I queried with a raised eyebrow.

"Look, Nat, you might wanna sit down for this," The spider-kid assured me.

"Please, Lady Nat," Thor looked at me with sympathy, "Let's just get Y/N to safety and we'll tell you everything."

"Everything?" Maria nodded at my question, making me let Wanda go with a mumbled apology, "Alright."

"It's fine, I woulda done the same." Wanda told me, looking down at the girl on the floor.

I gave a sheepish smile to the girl that lay on the ground, "I got her."

My friends nodded, Maria gesturing for me to follow, as I picked Y/N up bridal style, before I watched the team examine the whole area, supposedly looking for someone.


After about a twenty minute drive, we finally arrived at the familiar place that I used to work at.

The Triskelion, also known as Shield Headquarters. Peter, being the gentleman he is, used his webs to open the door for me, knowing that I was holding Y/N.

We wandered into the building, immediately being crowded around by agents.

"Ms Romanoff, is that really you?"

"Oh my god, Natasha's back." I heard another say to his friend.

"They're acting like I'm a celebrity." I laughed.

Peter shrugged, "I mean you did just come back from the dead."

"I- what?" I stopped in my tracks, "What the fuck are you going on about?"

"Language!" The bald man with an eye patch said, as he walked towards us. "Agent Romanoff, glad to have you back. Nice hair, by the way," He pointed at Wanda's now dyed blonde hair colour and she muttered a quick thanks.

"It's surprising how calm these people are being," Wanda mumbled, fidgeting with her fingers.

"Seriously," Peter agreed.

"Trust me, we're all leaping around in our heads right now." Fury told us. "We found a way!" He announced. 

"A way?" I quirked an eyebrow at the term, as he led us into the computer room.

"We'll explain later." Fury waved off.

"Well, look at who we have here," I heard a voice call out from behind one of the computers.

"Hey Carol," Maria replied with a grin, giving her girlfriend a hug.

I rolled my eyes, playfully acting disgusted, "I see that hasn't changed," I pointed to the couple.

"Nat, they got you back!"

"Why yes we did," Thor chimed before seeing his best friend that was practically a pile of rocks. "Up for an arm wrestle, Korgy?"

"You're on!" The pile of rocks cheered.

"Mj isn't here, is she?" Peter asked hopefully, and Nick shook his head and disappointment seemed to consume the kid, making me want to give him a hug.
"We couldn't risk it." Peter nodded totally understanding what eyepatch-man was saying, "But we do have someone that you might get along with just as well.

He nodded towards a black-haired girl, spinning on a seat, clearly seeming unamsued by her surroundings.

"We're babysitting her for Barton to make sure that she doesn't follow him on a mission," Nick told the boy, "Bishop!" He called out, and the girl stopped spinning on the seats.

She hopped along to the man, a bounce in every step, "Yes?"

"This is Peter."

"No way, you're- you're spiderman!" She clasped a hand over her mouth, trying to stop from jumping up and down. "Oh my god and Scarlet Witch and oh my- Black Widow...and... forgive me, but I have no clue who that is."  She smiled, pointing down at the girl in my arms, "Ooh, is she like a villain or something?"

Fury rolled his one eye at the child, as Peter started rambling about the situation to Kate, letting us walk off so that I could finally hear the long-awaited explanation.

Before so, we placed Y/N into a private room, making sure that she would be safe regardless.

"Should I watch over her?" Wanda asked us.

Fury immediately shook his head, "We're probably gonna need you for this one."

Wands nodded, following after us, before looking back at Y/N for a split second. They seemed to be friends if not more...

"Sit," Fury ordered me, once we had found a secluded room.

I did as told, plopping down onto a seat, the blonde sitting beside Fury, legs crossed, as I waited for the explanation.


A/N- HI, yes those chapter was a bit rushed AGAIN, I just keep losing motivation for it lmaooo. I actually wrote out the whole explanation part but then realised I was spoiling you too much :) ANYWAYS COAST IS FINALLY OUT GO STREAM IT!

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