Screw it.

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My breathing picked up, as I looked around the hallways, taking in an inhale, looking back at Karla, "I need your help."

And with that, I didn't even wait for a response before pulling her into the dorm by her sleeve and shutting the door.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Karla questioned with worried eyes, while I paced around the room in front of her.

"It's just-" I cut myself off, as I contemplated about telling her, "Screw it." I mumbled.

I took out my phone, quickly fumbling to get the message on the screen. I turned it around, handing Karla the phone as she glanced at the screen. I finally stopped pacing, plopping down at the couch.

Her heart seemed to drop as she read the message. She must have been good friends with Pietro. "Y/N this is..." the blonde trailed off, "It's not okay." She finished, taking a seat next to me on the couch, handing me my phone.

"Really? I didn't realise," I joked, as Karla gulped.

She didn't seem to find my joke that funny as she looked at me with a concerned expression, "You need to tell someone." I furrowed my eyebrows, but before I could speak, she seemed to know what I was saying, cutting me off, "The authorities." She cleared up, making me sigh.

"The boys in blue are a bit dumb," I noted, "Like for real, it took them 5 days to work out something that me and Amy had worked out in 5 hours."

"Y/N." She stopped me, taking my fiddling hands into hers.

"I just..." I trailed off, "I don't know. I don't want anybody else to get hurt."

She hummed in agreement, giving me a comforting smile. We sat in a comforting silence for a bit, before she spoke up again, "Look, I get that you're afraid. It's a normal thing to feel. But maybe you should at least try going to the police. You don't have to, but it would make sense."

"But Amy and Pietro..."

"Amy and Pietro are in the right hands." She said, giving my hand a light squeeze, while carressing it with her thumb, "Your hands." She assured, "Whatever decision you make, I know you'll think of what's best for them."

She gulped, letting my hands go, as she stood up, seemingly heading towards the door.

"Just be safe, okay?" She was stood at the door, waiting for an answer. I took in a breath, before nodding. "Words, printessa {princess}."

Her nickname made my nose scrunch up, but, nonetheless, I still replied, "Yeah." She looked at me waiting for another word, "Promise."

She seemed half-satified with my answer as she gave me a smile, before heading out.

I bit into my lip in thought. If I went to the authorities, I could lose everyone. Natasha. Amy. Pietro. And possibly even more.

But on the other hand, if I went along with whatever this person said, I would be a mind-controlled puppet. And they might even harm others.

I ran a hand across my face, pretty stressed out. Scrolling through mine and Amy's texts, I let out a loud sigh, as I texted her just in case. She usually answered within seconds. I waited for a while just staring at the screen.

As expected, there was no reply. I took a gulp, before running my finger along the keyboard over mine and Miss Romanoff's texts.

I shook my head, before turning my phone off and lying back onto my back.

Wanda's POV:

"You know, I bet they're doing the midguardian tango right now."  I heard Thor say, as soon as I entered the dorm.

"Ew!" I heard an immediate slap and a wince from Thor.

"What! It's true!" He defended, ".. probably."  I furrowed my eyebrows as I questioned what they were talking about, "All I'm saying is that witchy's been trying to get in her pants since earlier today."

"I mean, it is really obvious." I heard Maria say, immediately knowing what they were talking about.

"I was not!" I defended myself, rebutting Thors comment, as I walked into the room.

"Come on, mate, I'm not a pro at these things, but even Stevie Wonder could see how much you've been flirting." Peter told me with a grin and I held in a laugh.

"So?" Maria wiggled her eyebrows, "How was it?"

"How was wha-" I quickly it myself off, knowing what they were talking about, putting a hand on my forehead, "Oh god, we didn't-" Peter and Thor hummed immaturely, making me pinch the bridge of my nose, shutting my eyes. "We talked. That was it."

"About?" Thor asked annoyingly.

I took, a sigh, sitting down as I recalled what we were talking about, "Pietro. And uh Amy."

Peters eyebrows furrowed up, "What about them?" He queried, seeming worried.

I gulped,taking my bottom lip into my mouth, "He's- Th-They're gone."

"Wait, w-what do you mean they're gone?" Maria took a gulp, supposedly thinking of her girlfriend.

"They took them..." I sighed.

Maria's heart seemed to drop as she processed my words and I could tell she cared. Peter quickly pulled her into a side hug along with Thor.

"She'll be okay." He comforted, before Thor looked up at me, remembering my brother had also been taken, as he pulled me in to join the hug, "They'll both be okay."

"We're gonna get them back." Peter stated, "We're going to get them all back."


Maria and me decided to go on a walk to clear our minds. It was pretty dark, so we didn't want to wander around outside.

However, just in case, Maria had a gun tucked at her leg, while I kept my hands at the ready.

We wandered around multiple hallways, passing what had got to be hundreds of doors.

"D-do you think she'll hate me?" Maria asked out if nowhere, and I gave her a questioning look, "Amy. I hid everything from her."

"Of course she wouldn't hate you." I assured, "She couldn't, I've seen the way she looks at you. And if you didn't know already I can read minds," I joked slightly making Maria chuckle, "Amy really likes you. I'm sure Y/N could even tell you that herself."

"Ooh, are you sure? She seemed a bit oblivious when you were flirting with her."

I rolled my eyes, changing the to pp ic back to Amy, "Even if she doesn't like the idea of you hiding the truth from her at first, I know she'll understand why in the end." I gave a reassuring smile.

"If we do get her back." The girl mumbled, under her breath.

"We will," I told her, "We'll get her, Nat and Pietro all back."

"That's easy for you to say, you need to be optimistic, you've just gotten your brother back, you can't lose him again."

I shook my head, clearly disagreeing, but before I could speak a figure caught my eye. "No..." I cleared my throat, hoping that it wasn't who I thought it was.

"Wands?" Maria looked confused, "Don't say you've fallen in love with a teacher now too!" She said, before giggling. She rolled her eyes, as I ignored her comment, calling out to the black-haired lady. "Ms Byers! Hi!"

The lady quickly turned around, but luckily, I had hopped around a corner before she could see me.

When she finally spoke, my theory was proven, "Hi, hon! What are you doing up so late?"



A/N: I actually have no A/N, but it feels weird leaving one if these chapters off without one, so, uh hi. It kinda ended off on a cliffhanger ig lmao :))

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