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I limped towards mine and Amy's bathroom in my crutches, getting ready for the day ahead.

Struggling quite a bit, I managed to pick out an outfit and wake Amy up.

Amy had been being really sympathetic lately and I was getting really sick of it.

I was being treated like a fragile object and she wouldn't even banter with me anymore!

I shook my thoughts away, as I walked to my first class.

My first lessons went by normally, except from the few stares I got from most of my classmates.

That was until Russian came by...

Hopping into the classroom, I found myself staring at the goddess sitting at her desk.

God, was I crushing hard. "Hey Miss," I smiled. I got a hummed reply, so I hurried along to my seat and sat down at my desk.

Students rushed in, taking their seats, while gazing at the angel at the front. I was taking in all of her features. From her long wavy red hair to the dimples that she flashed when she smiled.

Inspecting the way she moved and talked. I hadn't even noticed half of the lesson had flown by.

I spent the rest of the lesson actually listening to Miss Romanoff, but it didn't seem that she was listening to me.

I raised my hand, almost every question and I heard her sigh, when she saw no one else knew the answer.

The only responses I received were either a mumbled, "Correct," or a quick, "Yep."

I mean, I thought my answers should have deserved more than that.- either that or I'm just a little too cocky, which hardly made any sense since this time last year I was shy as hell.

I couldn't even speak to my parents. To be honest, I'm not even sure how I made it through all the previous years.

My mind was still wondering what had happened yesterday and why she was acting like this.

Maybe I was just imagining it? I could've sworn that there was something there, when we gazed into each others eyes and the shock I got when our hands touched.

There had to be something there. I shook my head once again, as the bell rang loudly filling my ears with a deafening sound.

I, then, slowly packed up my things, while the other people did the same just quicker.

The only thing we had in common was that we were gazing at the beautiful Russian teacher.

Nat's Pov (continuing from the paragraph above):

I felt a dozen of pairs of eyes on me watching my every move. I looked up to see a Y/N and my other students' eyes darting over me.

The only difference was that Y/N looked at me like I was the most beautiful person on Earth, while the others looked at me like a dog gawking at a peice of meat.

I felt bad for ignoring her: I really didn't want to...I just believed that if I kept some distance, my feelings for her would subside, but they didn't...

Y/N deliberately fell behind, as all the others left. She stopped at my desk. "Hola," She smiled, "Or should I say privet {hello}." I couldn't help but smirk at this greeting a little.

"Hey," I replied bluntly and saw her face drop. I immediately felt bad, but forced my face into a cold glare, looking back down at the books that I was marking.

Out of my peripheral vision, I saw her shake her head slightly before looking up with a hopeful smile. "Want some help with your marking?" She offered.

I shook my head, of course I wanted help, but I had to keep up my front. "No thanks, don't you have things to do?"

"Nope! C'mon you could really use some help, I mean, there's like a million books there!' She exaggerated, pointing to the books on my desk.

I mean, it's just a little student-teacher marking, right? I did really need some help marking if I wanted to get any sleep that night.

I contemplated my options and decide against marking alone and actually getting some sleep for the weekend ahead. "Sure."

I saw Y/N facial expressions travel through many emotions all at once such as shock, happiness and excitement.

She took a seat across the desk from me, grabbing half of the books in front of me.

I handed her the answer sheet and we spent around an hour marking in a weirdly comfortable silence.

After a while, me and Y/N had finished marking the stack of books that were previously in front of us.

"Thanks for your help, Miss Y/L/N."

She frowned once again but covered it up with a smirk, "It was no problem, Miss Romanoff." She grabbed her bag and saintered towards the classroom door. "See you on Monday."

"See you on Monday, Y/N."

The door shut and I immediately found myself grinning at her. How could I have beloved that I could stay away from her.

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