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Y/N's POV:

I hurried towards mine and Amy's dorm room, the kiss with Miss Romanoff constantly replaying in my mind.

Amy had called me that there was an emergency- though considering it was her, it was probably not that important, but I wasn't going to take any chances.

Finally reaching our dorm, I swung the door open to see Amy on her phone supposedly scrolling through her favourite app.

"What did you want?!" I groaned.

"Jeez who spat in your cup of coffee this morning? "

I rolled my eyes and threw myself on the bed, "You said there was an emergency! And I had to run all the way down here for nothing. "

"Yeah, I know, it sucks when people do that, right? Oh wait, I did that. Oops," Amy gave an Innocent smile.

I groaned, burying my face in my pillow, before digging it back out again and sitting up, "Why are you so annoyed, it's not like-" Amy started, before she turned to look at me, her eyes widening.

"You gonna stare at me like that forever? "

Bouncing up and down, she finally spoke, "You got a little something, right there." She smiled, while she pointed at the corner of my lips. Continuing to bounce up and down, she handed me her mirror, practically forcing me to look into it.

"What?" I hummed, as I looked into the mirror only to see a lipstick stain on the corner of my lips. 

"Uh, Yeah what about it?" I asked her, trying to cover up what me and Miss Romanoff had done.

"Why's it there exactly?"

"I guess it must have smudged, after I put it on."

Amy chuckled to yourself, "That was very believeable and anyone else would have believed you- just not me." She smiled, and spoke before I could reply, "Now you gonna tell me what happened with Miss Romanoff- or am I going to have to work it out myself? "

"Nothing happened," I laughed.

"Oh come on, I'm not that dumb," She waited for a second, only to see the painted look of confusion on my face. She sighed, "So I know you guys had a smooch," She gave me a grin sitting beside me, "But how'd it happen? Like, she just leant in and was like let's kiss? "

Chuckling at my friends antics once again, I finally gave in, knowing that I would never convince her that nothing happened.

"It was after class. Uh, I got a-" I paused myself, recalling the text message I had got before feeling Natasha's soft lips on mine.

"Nu-uh, don't think that you can get outta this now,"

I shook my head, "I got a text! "

I grabbed my phone out of the back pocket of my pants/trousers, unlocking it to find the text message.

I handed Amy my phone, her eyes trailing across it, as her eyebrows furrowed in clear disgust.

She waved her hands along the lit-up screen, attempting to block the contact once again, already knowing that her previous attempts didn't work.

"We need to tell someone about them," Amy told me, a concerned look laying in her face.

I raised my eye brow at her, "What happened to 'We can tell someone about it when you're ready'?" I asked her, referring to the comment she made the first time I got the text.

"Yeah, I know, but well, me and the group have kinda been talking about it-"

I cut her off, "Wait, wait, wait you told them about this?!"

"Well, technically-" she stopped herself this time, mentaly calculating what the right way to say the next words word be, "Maybe I did. But in my defense, I just wanted to help. And-And. Like, it kinda slipped out and then it all-"

I stopped her rambling with a giggle. Yeah, I was pissed that she had told the group about the messages without  me knowing, but I understood why at heart.

"Ahahaha," Amy laughed unsurely, kinda sounding like Cat Valentine. I chuckled once again, before Amy spoke, "So we're alright? Right?"

"Yep," I said popping the 'p', "I mean I understand why you did it. What I don't understand is why you called me up here for no reason, interrupting me and Natasha's moment, " I complained.

"Ooh, first name-basis already."

I rolled my eyes, "So why exactly did you call me here? " I asked.

She tutted, wagging her finger, looking like an absolute idiot, "Uh, uh. I may have forgot why I called you up here... But anyway, you need to finish your story." I looked at her, raising one eyebrow, before she added a quick, "Please." She smiled.

I told her my spectacular tale, not in much detail, "... and that's when you interrupted us. "

"Well I'm glad I did," I gave her a death stare, "I mean that I'm glad you guys didn't have your first night in a classroom. So technically, you should be thanking me," she gave another innocent grin.

"Whatever, " I sighed, "So now are you gonna tell me why you called me up here? "

"Hmm, " she hummed, looking as if she was thinking, "No." I threw a pillow at her as she plopped on her bed. "I'm kidding," she giggled, pulling out her phone, "the group kinda wants to talk to us."

"So why exactly did you wait all this time to tell me if it was an emergency?"

"I forgot!" She whined.

I chuckled at her, "Then what we waiting for?" I pulled out my phone calling the group chat.

Luckily, they all answered at the same time. "Hey," I smiled innocently with a smile.

"Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N," my friend said my full name, wagging her finger at me through the screen. "How dare you not tell us about the texts and about your new relationship with a teacher!" She said.

"Wait she told you about Miss Romanoff too?!" I questioned them, sending Amy a glare.

Amy grinned, "Yeah, oops... Anyway you guys better send over some UK teabags, because I have more Miss Romanoff tea to spill!" She chuckled, obviously referring to the kiss me and Miss Romanoff had shared.

"Ooh, I wouldn't mind me some tea,"  Tyler laughed, "But we do need to talk about the text messages. "

"Yeah, I guess we do. I'm sorry for not telling you guys, it's just-" I started rambling before I was rudely cut off by Maddie.

"We don't care about that! Okay, well maybe a little- I mean why would you tell Amy and not us? More specifically me- Amy has the biggest gob-"

'Okay! I think they get it," Aria stopped Maddie, acknowledging Amy's offended expression.

Maddie sighed, "Right, we need to figure out some suspects. Who would want to hurt you? "

"Ooh, ooh," Julie shrieked sounding like a chimpanzee, "How about...." Our friends drones on with random names of people that had done me wrong while I was back in the UK, but clearly, none of them would have been crazy enough to do this.

"Then why don't we make a list of suspects?" Amy asked- her first good idea of the day.

"I'll get started on it!" Ty yelled, supposedly leaping around his dorm room finding a pen and paper.

"Okay then, I guess we're make a suspect list... "


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