Suspect Lists, Dates and Flowers

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Y/N's POV:

Amy and I had spent the rest of the day putting together a suspect list with the help of our friends over face-time.

So far, we had only gotten four people to work off of and it was not going so well. We were sat in the dark, with a single light, both of us working on the suspect list a little bit more in a comfortable silence and by the morning we were extremely tired.

Amy yawned climbing out of bed and into the shower, half asleep, while I put trust in my friend to wake me up, closing my eyes and attempting to fall asleep once more.

"Wake up! " My friend yelled at me. I groaned rolling around in bed, "I nearly fell asleep in the shower, it was so sad."

I stopped in one position, pretending to be asleep, but quickly processed what she said and chuckled.

"Anyway! Don't you have Russian today with Miss Romanhot?"

I mumbled a 'yeah' and tried to shut my eyes and bury myself in the comfort of my bed once again, "You think I can stay in today? " I questioned my friend.

"Nope! " She told me, opening the curtains ahead of me, "If I'm going, so are you." I sighed as the warm sun hit my face.

"Just five more minutes. "

I could practically feel Amy's eye roll, but shook it off closing my eyes once again.

Unable to fall into a proper slumber, I sat up and eventually went to get ready, cursing at Amy for waking me up under my breath.

"It's not my fault you have to wake up at this time! Blame the school. Not your dear caring best friend. "


After I was done, I wandered out of the bathroom only to see Amy waiting for me with the suspect list in hand.

"Ready to go?"

I smiled, tying my laces, "Sure. Who you got first? "

"Dr Pepper."

"Lucky," I whined, "I have Ms Smith, so that's cool. "

"You think we should add teachers to the suspect list? " Amy asked me.

"Why would a teacher want to harm their favourite student." I said smiling proudly, batting my eyelashes dramatically, as I grabbed a pop tart.

"Well, wouldn't put it past them, especially Ms Byers, She hates our guts."

"She hates everyone's guts."

"Yeah, but she hates ours more. "

"I guess, but it just doesn't make sense, what would they have against us? " I queried.

"Against you," My roommate corrected, "No offense," She shot me a sleepy smile, putting her hands up in defense. "Just saying, whoever this person is, is coming after you. "

I nodded, as I stepped out of the room, knocking something over erupting a clattering sound as it fell to the floor.

Looking to see what I had knocked over, I found a set of white roses, "Amy?" I called to my friend that was behind me.

"Yeah?" she asked, stepping out of the room along with me, only to find her answer. "Ooh, flowers? Maybe your girlfriend got you them. "

Before I could say anything, she took it upon herself to carry the flowers inside, setting them on the counter.

"Ooh, there's a note. Can I read it? Can I read it? Can I read it? Can I read it?" She repeatedly questioned me, bouncing up and down, like a kid in a candy story.

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