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Maria's POV:

"Y/N, you've been bugged..." I told her, trying to be calm, as Wanda stepped away with the device in her hands.

Amy let go of my hand that was in my pocket, as she looked at her friend in clear concern.

"If we get back to your dorm, I'm pretty sure that Maria could reverse it." Thor suggested.

"No, we, uh, we need my laptop and it's pretty much dead." I lied, rebutting Thor's idea.

"Right, so we can go back to yours and do it there while it charges," Y/N suggested.

"No!" Thor butted in, as Wanda tried to make as little sound as possible, covering up the listening device, because she was the closest one to it.

"He means, no, because Pietro's sick. And we don't want you guys to get infected too!" Peter said.

"Infected?" Amy raised an eyebrow at the term, "We're hanging out with you; so if you would have got it, you may have passed it on to us."

"Exactly, we're already at risk," Y/N told me, reffering to mostly the sickness but also how she was being stalked.

"Yeah, but he was locked in his room all day, so we're fine." Thor told them.

"So lock him in his room while we're there."

"But you see-"

"Uh, yeah sure, I guess we can, that's actually a decent idea," I grinned sheepishly, as Amy stared at me with wondering eyes. I immediately earned a glare from Wanda, who still had the listening device in her hand. "I mean, I don't see why not."

Y/N's POV:

I sat at the couch with Amy, Karla, Thor and Peter, as Maria sat at the table in another room, picking at the small device.

She didn't seem to need her laptop at all, since it still lay in the room we were sat in. I fiddled with the sleeves of my shirt, as my mind flashed back to a certain redhead.

"How long do you think this is gonna take?" Amy asked Karla and she shrugged.

"There's no way to tell. it could take minutes, hours."

"Days?" Peter questioned.

"No, I don't think so," Karla stifled a laugh, "Well at least not that I know of. But it could. You never know."

"You've done this before?" I asked.

"Once or twice," she replied, grinning at me.

"You guys have any signal?" Amy queried abruptly, as she wandered around with her phone.

"I thought we did," Thor laughed.

Peter furrowed his eyebrows, "Apparently not."

"Y/N, you and I have quite a difference in height- maybe you can like find service." She suggested, making me roll my eyes.

"Fine." I mumbled, picking myself up from the couch and wandering toward her, even though what she was saying made no sense.

She handed me her phone, while I raised my eyebrows in question. "The signals literally perfect." I told her.

"Nooo, that's- this is the signal." she pointed to the place I was looking at, "God, you're way too British." she said while laughing, loud enough for the others in the room to hear. "You don't think I'm that dumb, do you?" she asked me, voice slightly lower than before, as she whispered. "I pulled you aside to save my favourite couple: That Karla girl is hardcore flirting with you."

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