Broken bones

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Y/N's Pov:

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. It seemed to be the middle of the night: The whole room was dark.

I reached for the lamp that lay beside my bed, only to feel a sharp pain, them numbness in my leg.

I winced, continuing to turn the light on, as I recalled what had happened.

Fire, fire and even more fire, were the only thoughts that filled my memories.

I tried even harder to focus on the trip me and Amy had made to library. Then everything came back to me.

Maybe this wasn't an accident. I sighed and slumped back on the bed I was laying on. 'My mind must be playing tricks on me.' I thought, replaying all of my memories.

Then my eyes wandered around the room, finding a black leather jacket on a seat near the bed.

I squinted, before sitting up. I was pretty sure that that jacket was Miss Romanoff.

I rememberee seeing her in it on my first day. I reached for the peice of clothing. It had the initials N.R carved into it- That had to be Miss Romanoff's, right?

It smelled of smoke and eventually I was able to peice two and two together and work out that Miss Romanoff probably saved me from the burning building.

I shook my head. God, Amy really got me crushing on my Russian teacher. But if I'm being honest, I'm kinda glad I am.

My heart may break after learning that I could never be with her, but she left a beautiful first impression on me. It was hotter than the library I was in.

Later on in the day, a nurse came into the room and informed me of everything that had happened and told me that they would like to keep me in over the weekend, due to my sprained leg and to see if I had any other injuries.

I seemed to put together names and finally understand what really happened after I fell unconscious.

Amy must've grabbed the first teacher that came to mind: Miss Romanoff... I shook my head, obviously I needed to confirm my theory with Amy.


Finally arrived the Monday and I had made pretty good friends with the nurse, Any and a few others coming in to check on me.

"Now we are letting you out of the hospital, as long as we know that you're alright with treating that." She motioned down to my leg that was in a cast.

"Yeah, I mean I should be alright with it."

"That's great. You only sprained your ankle on Friday, so all you need to do is..." the nurse chattered on. (a/n: yea I was too lazy to figure out what nurses actually talk about.)

"Oh how much is the hospital bill." I asked, this was my first time in an American hospital, but I did know that they had to pay in order to live. How brutal is that!

The nurse looked down at her clipboard, "Uh actually, it seems that the payment has already been made." Someone payed my hospital bill for me? Who? I mean Amy couldn't she was fully broke.

"Uh, do you know by who?"

"No, it was payed anonymously."

I shook my head, if someone payed for me- I had to pay them back. "Uh, d-do you know how much t-the bill was?" I questioned, finding words off the top of my head.

"It was around 2,100." She smiled.

I was sat in shock, the most money I had was probably a penny- sorry a cent, "D-dollars?"

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