The library

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Y/N Pov

The next two days were retty much just a repeat of the day before, Russian being pretty uneventful.

Me and Amy wandered towards the library making fun of each other here and there.

We soon found ourselves at the slightly destroyed double doors and decided to head inside.

"Okay, but Miss Romanoff is hot af," Amy told me for the fifth time today.

I rolled my eyes, as we explored the library and the old books that lay inside, "Calm down with your simping man, you're supposed to be the straight one outta the two of us."

She giggled, "That lady can turn any straight girl gay with one look."  She was right- That lady was as hot as a building on fire. 

I rolled my eyes once again as me and Amy dug through several collapsed book cases. "This place is kinda boring not gonna lie," Amy told me.

"Hey, this was your idea- deal with it!"

We chuckled, continuing our adventure and heading up half of a broken staircase.

I ran my hand along the rusted banister and heard a bang come from below us.

Exchanging quick glances, Amy and I decided to stay quiet and try to explore the noise below.

The two double doors swung closed as we head down the stairs, indicating that the person was probably gone.

"Kinda creepy..." I dragged the shaky word out of my mouth, but as soon as me and Amy made eye contact, we had been left in a laughing fit.

"Okay, okay- Now let's check upstairs," the brunette smiled at me. We ran up the stairs once again.

Hopping over every hole in the floor, a smoky scent began to fill the air, while me and Amy chattered.

"You smell that?"

"Yea someone's prolly having a cig outside." I answered leaving her in a confused state, "Sorry forgot you were American for a second-" She nodded still probably slightly confused, as I walked backwards explaining it to her.

As soon as I had finished, as if on cue, my leg got caught into a gap in the floor. This was great. "Absolutely amazing," I muttered.

"You good?" Amy asked, laughing, as I tried pulling myself up.

I smiled sarcastically, "Yeah fine, I'm just waiting, while my leg's stuck in a hole for a spider to come and attack me. Oh fuck," I whispered the last part, realising my arachniphobia level increasing right then and there.

She rolled her eyes at me and giggled, almost as if she was copying and mocking my previous antics, while smoke roamed through the air. 

"It's not funny!" I snapped, " Those eight-legged bitches will fucking attack me!" I struggled, trying to pull myself out of the gap in the floor.

"Okay, okay fine, I'll help... just because I'm such a good person." She wrapped her hands around my arm, trying to tug me out. "This is harder than I thought it would be," she mumbled.

"You calling me heavy?" I raised both my eyebrows giving her an offended look.

"No! It's just.. your leg is really stuck."

Smoke continued to invade the air, causing me to let out multiple coughs as Amy tried to pull me out.

"Okay we both try at the same time. Like try pulling yourself out and I'll help." I nodded in response, "On 3."

With that she began counting and we tried and tried to pull my helpless leg out of the hole but still ended up failing miserably.

"This is great," I joked trying to hide the pain running through my leg. I groaned in frustration and pain as me and Amy failed to rescue my leg.

"Your leg is STUCK," Amy stated.

I acted shocked, "Wow really? No way!"

"Calm your horses, dude- I'm trying to help. That smell is getting stronger- It hurts my chest."

Amy coughed dramatically, but soon it turned into her having a whole coughing fit.

"Ima go find help," Amy suggested.

I squinted, "What about how we kinda broke in here? "

Amy closed her eyes and mentally processed everything before finally speaking, "We need to get your leg out- unless you wanna be stuck here forever."

"Alright fine!" I shooed her away.

"Okay goo-" She started until her eyes widened.

"What?" I turned to look behind me, following her gaze. 

A roaring fire sat growling at me and my roomate. I think my heart stopped for a second and not in the good way!

I squinted and Amy had the same idea, shutting her eyes and shaking her head making sure that we weren't imagining things.

Nope, the fire was still there and it looked madder than before. "That's a fucking fire!" Amy stated.

"Well no shit! Now get me outta this hole!" I shrieked, making a foolish but determined attempt to pull myself out as we spluttered once again.

"Okay, okay!" She wrapped her arms around me once more and tried to yank me out, until she fell to the floor, letting out loud coughs.

"Call 999!" The girl looked at me with a sort-of 'really?' look, now using her shirt as a mask. "Sorry I meant call 911 or whatever number you call to get the fire department here!"

She nodded, and pulled out her phone, pacing back and forth. Unbearable heat crowded the air, hardly making room for oxygen.

I felt myself getting weaker, as the call ended. "I may just ditch you and run," I gave her a death stare. "I'm kidding, jeez! But we need someone to help get your leg outta that hole," she pointed down at my helpless leg.

"Okay, go! Abandon me!" I cried dramatically.

"I'm sorry- I'll be right back!" She yelled and ran down the stairs two at a time at the speed of light.

I felt my breathing pattern start to get irregular, "Wait! Amy no, I've changed my mind!" When those words finally left my mouth, she was already gone...

Her absence soon got me thinking: how did the fire even start? My mind then flashed to the person who had walked in and suddenly left.

Could they have been the one that had done this? Thoughts flooded through my mind, drowning themselves in my conspiracies.

I completely ignored the presence of the fire behind me and it soon got extremely insane.

As I peiced each part of the unknown puzzle together, I felt my mind get fuzzy and I was struggling to breathe. That was until- It all went black...


A/N - Sorry for the cliff hanger and dreadfully long wait- but here it is!Also, I have no idea, where I'm going with this story - So bare with me :)              
                                     Word count: 1056

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