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I sincerely apologise in advance for the cringeyness in this chapter :)

Miss Romanoff's POV:

I was checking and marking some books, when my phone lit up. I picked it up, smiling as I saw the contact name.

Hey, Miss Romanoff.

Okay, maybe that contact name was kinda risky, but I couldn't care less: Hardly anybody knew Russian enough to know what that means except from me and possibly Y/N.

Privet котенок and please, call
Me Natasha outside of school.

I hesitated, hovering over the send button for a moment, then quickly sent the message, impatiently waiting for her response.

Oh alright, thanks Nat :)

I smiled to myself, before I heard my phone buzz again.

Soo, what are you doing right now?

Hmm, why'd ya wanna know?
It's a bit stalker-ish.
Don't you think?

Nope, but hey, I'll tell
you what I'm doing if you
tell me what you are ;)

No fucking chance,
detki {babes}


You really shouldn't be
cursing Natasha
I heard it's bad for you.

I playfully rolled my eyes at Y/N's text, as if I hadn't heard her swear multiple times across the course of one lesson.

I've gottt to going now,
Amy's forcing me to try
something that she made -
Pray for me 🤧
I'll talk to you later, Tash :)

My heart seemed to flutter at the cute nicknames she came up with as I trailed my fingers across my phone once again.

See youкотенок:

---(let's not talk about the dry texting skills in this book🪑) ---


I wandered through campus, hurrying to teach my first class of the day. Images of Y/N still wandering my mind, as I passed her friend, giving her a soft smile.

Amy's POV:

I returned Miss Romanoff's smile hurrying to my first lesson of the day. Something was definitely going on between her and Y/N, besides from a two-way crush that I was going to make a reality, and I was determined to find out what.

For my first lesson, I obviously had to have the worst teacher in the school, while Y/N got one of the best.

I arrived at Ms Byers' classroom and stepped inside. Everyone in the class was probably just as depressed as the teacher. I sighed and took my seat in the back, while Ms Byers walked in and scowled to herself. Sitting at the seat, she called out names, before taking a sip from her milkshake. 'I wish I had a coffee right now' I sighed pulling out a pen from my bag, and started taking notes.

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