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Maria's POV:

"Who's Wanda and how does her being here affect me?" Pietro questioned, as my eyes widened.

Peter seemed to back up a little, as Thor stood forward as he faced Pietro, "Eavesdropping, eh?" He grinned, trying to make a joke out of this situation.

Pietro blinked between the both of us, "That doesn't answer my question. Who's Wanda?"

"Wanda?" Thor asked, before sighing suddenly, "Uh, my my sister!" He improvised.

"Uh huh," he stepped closer toward us both, "And what does that have to do with me?!"

"N-nothing," I somehow stuttered, "Nothing at all," I repeated, more certain this time.

Just then, the door swung open to reveal a red head. Of course, it was the devil herself.

"Whoa whoa, who are-" Pietro started before quickly being cut off, as Wanda used her magic on him.

"What did you guys not understand by I don't want to be involved in this until it's over?"

"What do you mean?" I interrogated.

She rolled her eyes at me, "I mean that one of you morons texted me to save you after you all slipped up."

"That wasn't me or Thor I don't thi-"

I was quickly cut off by Peter's voice, "My bad, Wanda. I'm sorry, I- I just didn't know how we would be able to get out of this."

Wanda let out an exhale, running her hand through her Auburn hair, "It's fine, Pete."

Peter was like a brother to her, so obviously she didn't feel as mad at him as she would have been at us.

She turned to face us, and I gave her a smile, afraid of what could happen, "I'm going to need to erase Pietro memories again. Meaning I'm going to have to erase everyone else's." She told us.

I squinted, "I wouldn't exactly do that. I mean Nat's gone missing. There's this girl Y/N, the British one and we've nearly gotten Natasha back with her." Thor explained and I nodded.

"What do you mean Natasha's gone?" her eyes widened, as she interrogated us.

"See this is why you have to keep up." Thor rolled his eyes, "Gone. Kidnapped. Went bon voyage like the Spanish." he tried to tell her.

"That's French... " I whispered softly.

Peter then decided to butt in, "What they're asking is if there is any way just to erase Pietro's memories."

Wanda sighed, "There might be, but I might have to stay with you while I figure it out."

"What about Pietro?"

"Lock him in a bathroom or something." Wanda rolled her eyes, not wanting to look at her brother, knowing it would make her emotional.

I nodded, as red swirls remained in Pietro's eyes. Me, Thor and Peter dragged him into a bathroom, letting him stand near the sink, before Thor out a lampshade on him, thinking it was an epic idea.

Y/N's POV:

It was around the morning when I got up. Amy was still asleep, which I probably would have been too if it weren't for my alarm.

I quickly got ready, tossing on some shoes, as I head out and yanking my phone out of my pocket.

It was only about fine days until me and the group initiated our plan.

I was walking, eyes glued to mine and Miss Romanoff's texts, as I bumped into someone, knocking my phone and a black mask they were holding to the floor.

"I'm sorry," I immediately apologised, looking up towards the person I had bumped into as we picked up our things.

It was Ms Byers, "It's alright, hon." She gave a sheepish smile, freaking me out a bit, as she left.

She was never this nice, especially not to me. Mr Mason's death had really had an affect on her.

I shrugged off my thoughts, as I wandered down the corridors towards Maria's, preparing myself to look out for any suspicious activity.

I wandered passed many people, including Bucky and this girl afterwards, only knocking into a single person after Ms Byers.

Stopping at the door, I knocked twice, as I shoved my hands in my pocket.

Eventually the door swung open, It was Peter. He looked pretty tired. "Hi," he grinned sleepily, rubbing his eyes. I gave him a smile back. "Come on in."

I entered the room, hanging my coat up on some pegs near the door. "Y/n in here!" I heard Thor call from a room.

"We're coming," Peter called out, as I followed him.

"Hey, Ms Y/N," Thor greeted, as I entered the room, "And Peter of course." He grinned, showing his bright teeth foolishly, making me smile.

"What did you want to tell us about this Bucket kid?" Maria questioned and I shook my head softly.

"Bucky," Peter corrected, as Maria sent him a slight glare.

"Right." Maria nodded, "What did you wanna tell us about him?" She questioned, directing me to sit down.

I sat on the couch, near Thor, as I looked around. Something seemed off...

I shook away my thoughts, "Uh what do you know happened already?" I queried.

"Thor said that you and Amy bumped into this kid named Bucky and he told you he had something that could help Ms Romanoff's case."

"Yeah." I nodded, as she ushered me to go on, "But I have no idea what else you want me to tell you. That's practically all that happened, bar him giving information about Ms Romanoff's case," I lied, "All he said was that his friend Gabby is in love with her or something."

Maria nodded at my words, "But why did you want to tell us that?"

Thinking of a quick answer on the spot, I spoke, "He could be kinda suspicious." I mentioned, smiling.

"But why? Just because of-"

Eventually they got sick of asking me questions and I got sick of answering them. I sighed, as I said my goodbyes to them, heading out of the door.

Maria's POV:

"Shes definitely hiding something," I mumbled to myself as Y/N left.

Just then Wanda appeared in the doorway from the other room, "She doesn't trust you." Her eyes flashed red for a quick second.

"What?" Peter's head perked towards Wanda as me and Thor watched, also in confusion.

"She doesn't trust you," Wanda repeated, "She thinks you might have something to do with Natasha's disappearance."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, "I got it." Peter volunteered heading towards the door.

"Why would she think that we have something to do with it?"

"I don't know." She smiled, unsurely, "I didn't get the chance to read that much into her mind."

"Uh guys!" Peter called, as he wandered in, envelope in hand. He gulped, his eyes glued to the envelope with what seemed like a hint of fear and a hint of confusion.

"What?" Thor scrunched up his face.

Peter took in an inhale of air, before turning around the piece of paper.

"What the fuck..." Wanda cursed.


A/N: I apologise for this 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛, it wasn't the best, but at least Wanda's here :).

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