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Y/N's POV:

I bit my lip, reading over the text. This must have been the anonymous tip the officers were talking about.

I shook my head pacing around the room, before finally stopping and sitting on the bed with my head in my hands.

"So Miss Romanoff was framed?" Amy asked, reading over the texts.

I rolled my eyes, turning my attention to Aria, "Yeah and you actually believed that Miss Romanoff would do something like that."

"Okay! But that's not my fault. I mean, it would've made sense, that's all I'm sayin'." She defended herself.

"Mhmm sure," I rolled my eyes, still annoyed at my friend. She rolled her eyes at me in disbelief. "You accused her of trying to murder us!"

"Okay chill!" She told me, obviously fed up with my whining.

"Yeah, sure, gimme a sec, I'm just gonna hang out in the freezer for a bit. Hey, maybe I can turn into Captain America!"

"Don't you hate him?"

"That's besides the point!"

"Alright, jeez!" Aria put her hands up in surrender, "I am very sorry for accusing your girlfriend of trying to murder us."

"Not my girlfriend." I corrected, before Aria had hung up on me. I muttered an insult under my breath.

Amy smiled, "Yeah but you want her to be." She winked, wandering into a different room to find her phone.

I rolled my eyes once again, sighing before I stood up wandering towards our window. "I wonder how Miss Romanoff is. She didn't deserve any of this..."

"No one deserves any of this. Not even the pretty little liars characters deserve this." Amy told me from the other room.

"Yeah, but I wish they wouldn't have dragged her into this."

Amy let out a sigh, one that was audible from the next room down.

She wandered back into the room, sitting herself onto the bed. "Look, why don't we just do what we always yell at the characters in the tv to do?" I gave her a confused look, "Tell someone." She told me.

"I told you." She shook her head, rolling her eyes at my stubbornness. "And then you told the gang and eventually Natasha found out. Therefore I told a lot of people."

"No!" She rubbed her temple, "You know what I mean!"

"Do we have to?"

She squinted, obviously annoyed, "Yes. Yes we have to or I wouldn't have mentioned it."

I rolled my eyes, sighing once again, before giving in, "Fine. But what about the texts about me and Miss Romanoff?"

"You don't have to show them the texts." She assured me, "Just give them the number. And if they ask to see the messages just say that all your private things are there and hopefully they'll leave you alone."

"And if they don't?" I questioned.

"Smash your phone," She smiled, nodding as she seemed to picture my phone smashing. She seemed to see my questioning expression and spike once again, "I'm kidding, Jesus, we'll just have to hope that doesn't happen. So we tell them today?"

"Nah it can wait until tomorrow," Any gave me a 'can it though?" look and I suppressed a smile, "Considering how late it is now, I don't think that the headteacher would be awake."

She nodded in understanding, "Tomorrow then."


It was the next day and I was sat on the sofa/couch scrolling through my phone, as Amy wandered out of the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel.

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