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a/n: Y/N got a bit crazy this chapter, my apologies :)

Wanda's POV:

"Ms Byers! Hi!"

The lady quickly turned around, but luckily, I had hopped around a corner before she could see me.

When she finally spoke, my theory was proven, "Hi, hon! What are you doing up so late?"


My eyes widened at the familiar voice, taking an audible gulp.

Red wisps of magic swirled around my fingers as I bit into my lip, contemplating on if I should attack.

"Just going on a walk," Maria replied, "I haven't been able to sleep."

"Oh that's sad, honey, you should try some herbal tea, I heard that's great for sleep." Even though I couldn't see her, I could still sense her horrid grin and the wink that followed, "I could make you a homemade recipe, if you want. It's a family secret."

"Maybe next time." Maria smiled and I let out an exhale of breath.

"Are you sure, dear?"

"Yeah," I could sense Maria smiling, "I've gotta get back anyway."

"Sure," Agatha took an unnecessary pause, "Stay safe, hon'!" She said, as Maria muttered a goodbye.

"Wands?" Maria called, as she turned the corner to find me stood there, "Okay jeez, I know she's kinda hot, but I didn't expect you to just run away-"

"Maria." I stopped her rambling, "T-that was Agatha."


"What?!" Thor shook his head, with an eyebrow raised, "You- You mean the Agatha."

"Like the lady from Westwood? Are you sure?" Peter asked me, as I paced around the dorm.

"Westview." I corrected him, "And yes. I'm positive."

"Look, I don't know what Agatha's doing here," Maria told the group, "But I doubt she's posing as a teacher to do good."

I bit my lip, fear creeping up my throat. "I thought- No, no, I know I left her in Westview."

"Wands." Maria looked at me in sympathy.

"We can just trap her again, right?" the spiderboy queried.

"I dont-"

I was cut off by a knock on the door. I scrunched up my face, looking at the others, "Are- Are we expecting anyone?"

Peter shook his head and Maria and Thor answered audibly, "Nope."

I stalked towards the door, still quite cautious because of the last time someone had unexpectedly knocked on the door.

"Careful there, Maximoff." Maria warned, as I slowly eased the handle down.

I pulled the door open, my red wisps of air at the ready, only to be quickly greeted by a panicking Y/N. She hurried in, with a huge jacket and a bag, rushing towards the others.

"Y/N," Maria's nose scrunched up, "W-what are you doing here."

"I'm- I'm sorry if this is like a total invasion of your privacy and all that, but uh- I just really needed..."

"Y/N are you okay?" Peter queried.

"Yeah," She brushed off easily,  making me frown, "I- just- I thought- I thought that you guys were- uh- how do i-" Y/N struggled and we all looked at her in worry.

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