Who are you?

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I sincerely apologise for this whole story. I've hopped back on watching Riverdale after ten years and ive realised that this story's just as confusing as that 😭😭. I did tryyy to fix itt- didn't work... but have fun :)

Y/N's POV:

I woke up to my blaring alarm. I groaned in annoyance, rolling over before I fell from what I had just realised was the couch.

I sighed, shutting my eyes once again before I collided my body collided with another.

The person groaned, making me shoot up and quickly widen my eyes. "Well hello," Karla grinned sleepily, which, I may admit, was quite attractive.

I shook the thoughts away, clambering off of Karla, while muttering an apology.

"It's fine," She assured me, as she forced herself to sit up.

I laughed awkwardly, while I rubbed my eyes, to rid the sleep.

"Uh, Maria's in the shower and I think Peter and Thor went to go get us some breakfast." She informed me and I nodded.

"Cool," I added unsurely, making us both laugh.

"You guys gonna get washing?" Maria asked, appearing from the bathroom, immediately seeming to cringe at her choice of words.

I chuckled, "Sure, you wanna go in first?" I queried Karla.

"Nah, you can if you want to."

"You sure?" I checked and she nodded.

I hurried into the bathroom and soon after that we were all heading off to our first classes.

Me and Maria had Drama together first and then me and Peter had psychology.

Not long after that it was time for Lunch.

Me and the group all sat at our usual table, Karla taking Amy's spot. "So?" I started.

Maria seemed to sigh as she knew what was coming, "We can all go today." She told me, having this all planned out, "We leave at half 8 and we should get there at about quarter past 9."

"Dumb kidnapper." Thor muttered under his breath. "Making me miss out on my beauty sleep."

"The MG will have left to go meet you by then." She pointed at me, "And as long as your location is off, or you don't have your phone on you, we should be great. Is that all clear?"

"Yeah," We all nodded, until Peter added, "Except... MG?"

"Mystery guy." I cleared up, making Maria nod.

"It's way too long to keep saying Mystery guy." She added.

"Seems great." Karla grinned, as she bit into her bottom lip, "Meeting at the front gates?"

"Meeting at the front gates." Maria confirmed.


"Carl! Did you hear Russian's back on!" I heard a guy yell at his friend, and I stopped in my tracks.

"No fucking way," I muttered under my breath.

After attacking each other with punches, the friend ran his hand through his hair, "Does that mean that hot redhead is back?!"

"Probably! I didn't check because I was waiting for you!"

"Are you joking? Let's go!"

"That chick might be even hotter after spending two weeks in prison."

I rolled my eyes at their comment, furrowing my eyebrows, before slowly following after them, trying not to look so suspicious.

I waited at the door to the language building, before the boys zoomed past me with a groan.

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