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Nat Pov

I was sat marking students' work when the tall brunette from two days ago stumbled in.

She looked extremely worried and was coughing a lot. Y/N was nowhere to be seen, so I rushed up to the girl, patting her on the back. "Tell me what's wrong." I said once she had finally finished her coughing fit.

"S-so" she seemed to be panicking, while pacing around the room, until she finally slowed down and calmed down. "Me and Y/N decided to go into the library..."

I had a feeling that this story wouldn't end well, but still pushed her to continue, "And?!"

"W-well Y/N kinda got her leg stuck in a hole and then all of a sudden there was a fire!" She rushed her sentence bouncing up and down uneasily, while I felt my breathing start to get heavier.

"Is she okay!?" I blabbered out, also starting to get worried.

"No! I-I mean I don't know- her leg wouldn't budge and I called the fire department. Just please come help

I nodded, speechlessly. Y/N was just trapped in a abandoned school library while a fire was brewing! We ran down the hallways, until we made it onto campus. The only thing on my mind right now was saving Y/N.

I hurried into the building, grabbing a fire extinguisher on the way in,bthe brunnette following a little behind.

The fire had definitely not settled; it was roaring loudly and threw sparks at us, before I directed the girl to put out the fire and she did.

"Up there!" Y/N's friend yelled pointing up the stairs before I quickly jogged up them, the brunnette song following after

As we clambered to the top of the stairs, we were met with an unconscious Y/N laying on the concrete. I ran towards her, "Y/N!"

"We need to get her out of here!" Y/N's friend said, catching her breath before covering her nose and mouth with her shirt.

I did the same with my jacket and nodded, even though the fire was put out, it was still very smoky.

I was still slightly in shock, but wrapped my arms around Y/N and began to pull along with the brunnette.

We managed to pull Y/N's leg out of the gap in the floor and I began to splutter as well as the girl.

"Come on, we gotta get outta here!" I told her, swooping Y/N up and carrying her bridal-style before hurrying out of the library to be met by loud sirens outside.

I lay Y/N on the soft grass that lay outside of the library, falling to my knees in the process.

"Call an ambulance," I directed the girl behind me, the single siren drawing closer and closer.

Minutes later, the firetruck had finally arrived at the University. Quickly, firefighters flooded the library (took them long enough).

Y/N was still breathing- which was good. I put her in the recovery position as her friend called the ambulance.

We remained making sure that Y/N continued breathing. "You're a really good friend, Y/N's lucky to have you."

"T-thanks," she stuttered, "Uh sorry, I-I'm Amy," I nodded and turned back to the unconscious girl on the floor.

"Ms Romanoff, so why'd you tell me about Y/N when you could have went to the principal?"

"Your office was closer. P-plus, between you and me, I think she kinda like likes you. And judging by how you reacted I think the feeling's mutual. Don't tell her I told you!" Amy told me.

I cleared my throat, I heard that most of the students thought that I was kinda attractive, but I'd only known this girl for around three days and I kind-of liked her too. "That's quite inappropriate," I said.

In response she just shook her head, until she decided to speak again, "So is gazing into your student's eyes for half an hour- But hey!" I gave her a glare, as she made a reference to two days ago, "And it's true love!" She exaggerated.

"I could lose my job. And it's illegal! " I pointed out.

She shook her head dramatically, "It's not illegal if she's over 18," She assured me, "Also, did you not hear what I said before? It's true love! And besides you could keep it secret. I wouldn't tell!"

"It's not secret if you know about it."

"Ahaha!" She swayed her finger in the air dramatically, "So you admit that you doooo like her?"

Amused by Y/N's friend, I shook my head and averted my eyes to the emerald grass that lay beneath us.

Firefighters hurried out of the library making their way towards us while the ambulance finally arrived.

"Mind telling me what happened here?" A firefighter asked, as a paramedic rushed up and asked the exact same question.

Amy decided to talk to the firefighters while I told the female paramedic what had happened. She then asked to speak to the principal, who I had completely forgotten existed.

It took a while, but eventually Y/N was took into the hospital. Me and Amy asked to ride in the van with her, but the paramedics refused.

However, they told us to make sure we were alright too, obviously just wanting more money.

I drove with Amy to the hospital, not even thinking about the papers I was supposed to mark.

"Y/N Y/L/N," I told the front desk, as they directed me and the 5'7 brunnette towards Y/N's room.

Y/N was still unconscious when we had arrived, but I pulled up a chair next to her bed, while Amy did the same.

I didn't even care about marking papers, I just sat and waited by Y/N's side, occasionally starting up a conversation with Amy.

Hours had passed and Amy had already left, leaving me alone with     Y/N.

Pulling her hand towards me, I held and caressed the girl's hand with my thumb.

Suddenly, a nurse stumbled in, giggling as she did, "Sorry, uh visiting hours are over now," she chuckled once again.

She seemed kinda tipsy and her laugh was extremely contagious. I laughed, before my smile faded, only now just taking in what she had said.

"S-sure, don't worry about it," I hesitantly smiled, pulling my hand away from Y/N's.

I stood up and headed to the door, sneaking another look at Y/N with a faint smile.

Why was I getting so attached to this woman? She was extremelyy beautiful, super kind and really smart- but she was my student!

I shook my head getting out of my thoughts as I wandered out of the hospital and towards my car.

I hopped in, kinda feeling sorry for Amy, as she had to find her own way home.

Until once again, my thoughts ended up drifted back to my student: The only one I actually felt a connection with.

My day ended with me falling asleep with Y/N on my mind.

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