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Natasha's POV:

I was sat in a chair in the dark, fear overtaking my emotions. I didn't know how long it had been or where I was. My arms were held in place by a rough material, which I had assumed was a rope.

"Why hello, Natasha." A voice said, it seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite put a finger on who it was.

A figure stepped out of the shadows. They seemed quite tall and were wearing a black mask that covered the entire bottom half of their face.

From their upper facial features, I knew that they were someone that I knew.

That was about all I could capture before their words finally started becoming coherent, "Now, I'm going to get my money from your friend, sorry," they stopped themselves, "girlfriend." My eyes widened at the word and for some reason, my mind immediately went to Y/N.

"W-what did you do?"

"Oh nothing, nothing. At least not yet." The unknown person said. Before I could speak, they continued, "I'll doubt that she has enough money, honey, I mean she is a uni student after all."

They paused, as they wandered around me, seemingly trying to intimidate me. They stopped at the front of the chair I was sat on, tipping it back a bit.

I shook my head as I felt a huge sense of deja vu. It felt as if this had happened before, except this time, I was way more terrified.

The person seemed to chuckle, as they watched my expressions. "So we're gonna need some of yours to add to it by like a million." Even with a mask over their mouth, I could see the grin plastered on their face.

In confusion, I furrowed my eyebrows, before speaking my thoughts aloud, "I'm an Enrichment club teacher how much do you think I make?"

A breathy laugh came from the masked person. "If only you knew, Natalia, if only you knew..."

Maria's POV:

"So we're going on a mission inside a mission?! This is fab! I mean not fab that Natasha has been kidnapped. But fab, because we get to save her!" Peter buzzed.

I grinned at his antics, before replying with a, "But we need to stay professional. You know, not blow our cover like Thor almost did, twice!" I reminded.

Thor gave a sheepish smile, "My apologies, Miss Maria." He bowed, apologetically, before saying, "How's Miss Amy, especially since Y/N stole some of your coffee to give to her before she awakens?" He questioned. I smiled at her name, before sighing.

Amy's POV:

I yawned, rolling off the couch and falling to the floor. "Ow," I winced, as I rubbed my head.

I heard a chuckle come from the other side of the room. It was Y/N. She was sat seeming scrolling through her phone, before she stopped to look up at me. "You're finally awake. See, I didn't leave you that long."

I blinked rapidly, trying to find out how I could've missed my alarm. I couldn't even remember it ringing.

I sighed, pulling my phone towards me from the couch to double check that I had actually set the alarm.

As soon as I opened my phone, I groaned audibly. There on my phone was the calculator app open with the numbers '1159' on it. I shook my head at myself annoyed. How could I have possibly been that stupid?

"I would say who spat in your coffee today, but you just woke up. There's coffee on the counter over there," Y/N pointed to a cup with steam floating out of it. She musn't have gotten back that long ago.

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