m. namikaze | visions of death

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m. namikaze | visions of death

Minato Namikaze was in the simplest terms a prodigy. He was smart, strong, and didn't get the nickname 'Yellow Flash of the Leaf' because he was slow. He was fast, so fast. I knew from the moment I met him in the academy, he was going to be an excellent shinobi. I believed in him and was so sure he was going to become hokage and end the time of war for the Leaf. However, despite the faith and love I had for Minato, I didn't get to live long enough to see just how much he accomplished.

"Kakashi! A jonin!" I squealed, grasping the slivered haired boy in my arms. The younger boy struggled in my arms before realizing it was completely useless trying to free himself from my tremendous strength."And at such a young age too! Oh Minato, he reminds me so much of you as a child!"

Minato laughed at me, his eyes gleaming with pride in his student. He was extremely happy of how far Kakashi had progressed in so little time. It made him happy to see that I was proud as well.

Minato and I met when the two of us were just beginning at the academy. I would like to say that the two of us were equally great but truth be told Minato was ranks above me. While at first I despised him for it, I soon came to my senses when we both were placed under the leadership of the legendary Jiraiya sensei. Not only did sensei teach me the important of teamwork, he also in a weird way helped me realize my feelings for Minato.

Not long after becoming full pledged shinobi's, Minato and I began dating. Though, sadly, not long after our relationship started, so did the Third Great Ninja War.

"Yeah, yeah." Obito Uchiha whined from behind you. He was another one of Minato's pupils along with Kakashi and Rin Nohara. "Kakashi's not so great, ya know. When my Shargingan activates I'm surly going to surpass him! And Minato Sensei!"

I couldn't help but laugh at the younger boy. "Obito, I believe you are going to be an amazing ninja. I would put my life in your hands any day." I beam ruffling the dark haired boy's hair, right when he closed his eyes and smiled I reached and pushed his head back gently but with enough force to cause his eyes to open and a frown to settle on his lips.

"What's that about, y/n sensei?!"

"Obito, you shouldn't belittle Kakashi's accomplishments because because you haven't reached them yet. You need to be proud of your peers and support them." I turned and jokingly stuck your tongue out to Minato. "I thought you showed them the value of teamwork with the bells as Jiraiya Sensei did with us."

"I tried my best but I think it was more-so my good looks that charmed you into taking a liking to me rather than two bells." Minato chuckled, pulling me under his arm in a loving embrace. I smiled slightly, but stayed silent not wanting to admit he was right. "Okay enough of that now. Everyone gather around. I need to go over the details of the mission."

At his words, the three younger ninja surrounded me and Minato to receive instructions from their sensei. I kept my position with Minato's arm wrapped around my shoulder as I listened to my boyfriend.

"Since the Leaf's military strength is the lowest it's ever been, Kakashi will be the captain of a three man squad with you and Rin, Obito." Minato paused allowing his team to take in that information before finishing "And y/n and I will be working together on another mission close by."

I kept my lips sealed momentary but felt discomfort at the fact the three would be on a solo mission. They still weren't the best on working together. With Kakashi being so hell-bent on following rules and Obito with breaking them. Poor Rin was always just stuck in the middle.

"Oh and Kakashi." Minato pulled out a beautiful kunai from his back. "Here's what I got you: a custom made kunai knife." After Rin gave Kakashi a med kit for his promotion and Obito revealed he hadn't gotten Kakashi anything, I stepped up to give him my gift.

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