s. uchiha | future greetings

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a/n: This one is a little weird considering Sasuke is older talking with his future wife while she is young but I tried to make it as non weird as I could but it still kinda gives me Jacob Black vibes. But the concept is cute so I'm posting it anyways.

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s. uchiha | future greetings

I leaned back onto the soft grass, letting my body relax after my intense training. I waved goodbye to Rock Lee as he left to go do some laps around the village to finish up his training. I had knew Lee would be a tough opponent, that would push me to my limit while training, but I seemingly still managed to underestimate him.

My heart pounded so hard in my chest, and I struggled to catch my breath as the black headed boy just skipped on his merry way. The hours long training just looked like it had been a warm up for him. He even had the audacity to ask me if I wanted to run 500 laps around the village with him after he saw I could barely stand as I was.

Once my breathing calmed back down, I glanced up at the sky noticing how the clouds were turning grey. After a few moments, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching. This was soon followed by a steady conversation, or more notably an argument.

I peaked one eye open to see Naruto emerge from the trees, behind him were three people. But as soon as I sat up, the three people turned into two. The taller man disappeared leaving two people our age with the Uzumaki kid.

"Hi Naruto-kun!" I waved at Naruto, my eyes glancing beside him to the two other people. One was a boy who had yellow hair and blue eyes, that strikingly resembled Naruto. While the other had dark eyes, and long hair that was the exact color as mine.

She looked at me in shock, her dark eyes widening slightly. "Y/n?"

"Y/n! I didn't except to see you here!"

I glanced to her, but she quickly shifted her eyes away from me. Looking towards the ground as if she didn't mean for me to hear her. I chose to ignore the girl, trying not to make things awkward. "I just finished training with Lee, that's why I'm here." I explained to Naruto. I stood up on my feet, wiping the dirt and grass off my clothes. "What are you doing?"

"Pervy Sage told me to keep an eye on these three as my training. It's annoying, you know?" He reached up and stretched the back of his neck nervously. The boy gave me a shy hopeful smile, "Do you want to help me monitor them?"

I laughed at his request, "You know, I would usually say no. But seeing how you already managed to lose one of three, I guess you do need some help."

Naruto looked behind him, his face panicked as he scanned across the area for the missing person. The two kids our age gave off awkward smiles as if they were hiding something. "You two know something." I stated flatly, stepping closer to the two.

The yellow haired boy looked slightly scared but mostly unfazed by my action. However, the girl took a step back when I came closer. A panicked look, mirroring the one Naruto had, on her face. "No-! I don't know where dad- I mean he went."

I narrowed my eyes at her, but the look of fear on her face told me that she honestly didn't know where the other guy was. I glanced to Naruto, putting my hand on his shoulder to ease his anxiety. "Let's spilt up and look for this guy. You take the boy, and I'll take the girl. We can meet back up at Ichiraku Ramen in a few hours."

Naruto nodded at my idea, pulling the boy along with him out of the woods. He was eager to find the other man, I guess so he wouldn't get in trouble with Master Jiraiya. I turned my attention back to the girl, her eyes already staring at me. "So what does this guy look like?" I questioned her.

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