s. nara | coward

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s. nara | coward

"You're what?"

My voice cracked slightly, despite me trying my hardest to sound strong. I glanced at the man before me, thankful that he seemed oblivious to how his words had pitched at my heart. I had loved him since I met him back at the academy, the love only grew stronger when we were placed in the same team.

I love everything about him. I loved that he was the smartest yet laziest person I ever met, and how he took his time to always make sure I was okay. To the time he stood in front of me as the Akatsuki attacked, and safe my life. And the time he held me as I mourned Asuma Sensei, even though he must have been hurting more than me.

I thought that maybe we had a chance. That one day he would stop and notice how much I cared for him. How much I loved him. But those dreams were shattered- along with my heart- the second the words left his lips.

"Well it's a better time than any, right?" He shrugged, placing a cigarette between his lips. "War is over, and everyone else is hooking up. Naruto and Hinata, Ino and Sai. I don't want to miss my opportunity with her." I glanced down, finding it too painful to look at him in that moment.

Temari was seemingly perfect for him, she was beautiful and strong. I should be happy he found someone like her. But as much as I wanted to be happy for him, I found myself drowning in my own sorrows. I wanted him to be happy, but I was also selfish because I wanted his happiness to be with me.

"You don't think it's a good idea."

"No! I mean yes!" I stuttered, trying to find the right words to say to him. As much as this hurt me, it wasn't his fault that I had unresolved feelings. As much as I wanted to be with Shikamaru, he wanted to be with Temari- and I had to find someway to be okay with that. "Of course its a good idea. As long as it's something you both want."

Shikamaru looked slightly taken back by my response, as if he had expected something different. He struggled with his own thoughts for a minute, and I found myself wishing I could know exactly what was going through his brilliant mind. However, my wishes were cut short when he nodded, "Yeah. I think it's the right thing to do."

"Then I'm happy for you, Shika." I wrapped my arms around him gently. "She is a lucky girl to have someone like you. I'm so happy for you." I sniffed, a stray tear falling down my face. I knew that I couldn't contain my broken heart much longer, but I somehow managed to pull myself together in the moment.

When my arms loosened around him, I was surprised that he only held me tighter. We stayed in each other's embrace for a few seconds longer, only parting when I pulled away again. I could tell Shikamaru wanted to say something more, but his lips remained sealed as his brown eyes studied my face. I guess we both will part ways with unspoken words to the other.

I left his home soon after; my tears fell not long after that. I headed straight for Ino's house where I proceeded to dump all my feelings and regrets onto her. She has known, from the second we met, that I had feelings for our intelligent comrade. Thankfully, she never got tired of me dwelling and always was there for me when I needed her.

Today was no different. Ino sat beside me as I cried about how I had finally lost him for good. She combed through my hair, and listened. After I had finally calmed down, she pulled my face to look at her, her eyes filled with an emotion I couldn't quite figure out.

"You know what? He just doesn't understand what it's like to be in your shoes." She states, almost as if the idea was something she had been thinking of forever, "You need to give him a show."

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