a. deidara | my man sasori

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a. deidara | my man sasori

I hummed softly as I followed along behind my boyfriend, Deidara and his boyfriend, I meant our fellow Akatsuki member, Sasori.

Like always, the two were arguing over the true form of Art. I tended to stay out of it because, quite frankly, I didn't care much about it. I would only ever comment when one of the two pulled me in it, usually leaving me to said with my man Sasori just to piss Deidara off.

Don't judge me. I think he's hot when he's mad.

Anyways, we had been traveling for days. And into the Sand Village of all places, I hated the sand. We were on our way to capture the one tailed Jinchūriki, Gaara of the Sand. I heard what use to be a crazy psycho kid was now the Kazakage.

Tsk, tsk. Not for much longer.

"Okay, okay I think I finally got it." I say pushing between the two boys, Deidara wraps his arm around me swiftly. Sasori glances up at me with an annoyed look, already knowing the next words to come out of my mouth. "Okay just calm down, old man." I tell him, "It kind of hurts my feelings that you don't appreciate the things I do, I'm only trying to bond with you."

"No, you are just trying to annoy me." He sneers. I pay him no mind, instead I deeply sign. I look up at Deidara to find him smiling. Of course he would fine the whole ordeal amusing. I lightly tap his chest with my free hand, making sure he was ready.

"Okay so I took in all the advice the two of you gave me last time, and really worked hard on perfecting it." I act as sincere as I possibly could.

"Nobody even gave you any advice." Sasori snaps. I stopped, unwrapping myself from Deidara to stand in front of him.

"Actually, you're wrong. As a matter of fact, I did it in front of Hidan before we left and he gave me a lot of helpful advice." I stated, crossing my arms over my chest. I smirked slightly, "Deidara gave me some helpful hints too after I had him at his absolute lowest, withholding one of his favorite things from him. You can get a lot from a man like that."

Sasori glanced over disgustingly at Deidara, before his eyes flickered back to me. The same look present, I only smiled at him. I turned on my heel, walking back to Deidara. I took his arm and placed it back around me, before continuing.

"Now to what I was saying." I breathed out a fake nervous breath. "Wow; I guess I'm getting a little stage fright. I never expected this." I chuckled alittle, "You know, I think that's been my problem the whole time. Because when I practice in my room, I do absolutely phenomenal. But around others I choke up, you know what I'm saying?"

I turned to Deidara, smacking his chest, when he didn't response. "Yeah babe, I know what you mean. I use to get that way about my art. I understand" He stumbled out, "I'm sure my man Sasori understands that too. Right Sasori?"

Sasori keeps his focus on the road ahead. "I don't."

"Whatever Sasori." I cross my arms again, this time I keep my position beside my boyfriend. "Sometimes I just think your jealous of me because at the end of the day I get to lay down with Deidara and-"

Deidara places a hand over my mouth to stop me from finishing my sentence. I immediately push it off, wiping my mouth. "Stop it, Deidara. You know I only like to do that in the bedroom. It will make Sasori jealous if I do it here."

Sasori stops and turns to me. His weird, long mechanical like tail reaching from behind his back to point at me. "Do you know what happens when I get angry?" He threatens me, his eyes filled with annoyance and hatred.

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