r. lee | training on the bathhouse

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r. lee | training on the bathhouse

Rock Lee was an interesting person, to say the very least. He was obsessed with training to sharpen his taijutsu skills, the power of youth, and Guy Sensei. And despite not being able to manipulate chakra to use ninjutsu or genjustu, he was still one of the most powerful Shinobi's I've ever met. Even when all the odds were stacked against him, he proved everyone wrong and powered through.

He never gave up hope, or let anyone bring his spirits down. That's what I loved most about him.

All these things made me develop feelings for him that he thankfully returned. We started dating a couple weeks ago, unbeknownst to our friends. They just thought we were always off training together. Which was true for some of the times we snuck off but mostly we were spending time alone together, going on dates and whatnot.

And sometimes we were training in different ways, if you know what I mean.

"Why are you being so quiet, Y/n?" TenTen asks, turning my attention back onto the girls in front of me. Rock Lee had gave everyone the idea to go to the bathhouse together to hang out, even though the boys and girls would be separated. Although, I would have much rather just hung out with him because I hadn't seen him due to us both being away on missions, I couldn't say no when he asked me.

But I wasn't even sure he was even with the guys yet, considering he went to go train first.

"Sorry I was just in deep thought." I apologized, she looked at me suspiciously. I raised my hands in surrender, a small smile playing on my lips. Not like I could really come out and tell them all I was thinking about Lee and our relationship. "Boy, I really needed this. My mission really took a lot out of me." I moaned, trying to change the topic, soaking deeper into the water.

The girls went on buzzing about different topics and whatnot as we all relaxed in the hot water. I blew a strand of hair out of my eyes, leaning back as TenTen said something about Neji. I knew from the moment I met them two that they would end up together. It was only a matter of time.

Same goes for Shikamaru and Temari. Those two had so much chemistry it hurts to watch them interact, I just want to yell at them to get together already. But who am I to give relationship advice? I've been dating someone for weeks now and still haven't told any of my friends.

"Oh I'm getting wrinkly. I think I'm going to get out now." Ino laughs, examining her fingers. I glanced down to notice my resembling an old lady's hand as well. It was probably time for me to get out too.

"Yeah I'm coming too." I state, standing up along side her. The other girls follow suit and we all piled out of the bath, and into the changing rooms. I dry myself off before getting dressed. Just as I tugged the last article of clothing on, a loud crashing noise sounded, followed my a thump of a body hitting the floor.

When the dust cleared, I was shocked to find none other than my boyfriend laying flat on the floor. He shakily began to pull himself up. "Lee?" TenTen angrily grumbles, holding her arms tightly around her. Sakura stood behind her muttering something.

I stare at the black haired boy in shock. What was he doing on the roof that caused him to fall through? He couldn't have been- No he wouldn't. Rock Lee wasn't the type to do something like that.

But what other excuse was there?

"Rock Lee!" Ino sneered, her hands forming into tight fists. Hinata stood behind her wrapping the towel around her firmly. Ino grabbed Lee by his vest collar and held him up, she was fuming with rage. "You were peeping, weren't you!"

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