i. uchiha | the sorrowful day

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i. uchiha | the sorrowful day

Itachi Ichiha was an amazing person. He was polite, gentle, and kind. Not to mention wasn't bad on the eyes either. He and I have been friends since before we even started at the academy.

Back when we were younger, I spent a lot of time at the Uchiha Clan quarters. They lived on the edge of the Leaf, close to where I grew up myself. I was only about four when I met him, but even then I knew he was a worthy friend to have. So I offered him half of my treat, dango, in return for his friendship.

He gladly accepted it and we had been close friends since that day.

Our relationship was very close. We were always proud of the other and cheered each other on when we accomplished something, despite how minor it may have been. I remember the day he was recruited into the Anbu Black Ops, like it was yesterday.

I was so happy for him, it was one of the happiest days I could remember from our younger years...

"The Anbu?" I smiled excitedly at the boy before me. He lifted his lips into a small smile, looking into his eyes. "Itachi, that's amazing! And at the age of 11." I cheered, beaming with pride at my best friend.

"Yeah I start pretty soon." Itachi replied. I pulled him into my arms and gave him a big hug. He tensed up at first, but eventually he wrapped his arms around me and eased into my touch.

"We need to celebrate!" I pulled away and grasped his hand in mine. I was quite small, so his hand completely engulfed my own. "Come on Itachi! Let's go get dango, I know it's your favorite." I happily stated, "My treat!"

Itachi didn't need any further convincing after I offered dango. When we arrived at the shop, I got one as a gift for Itachi. I would've gotten myself one, but I didn't have the money for two. My parents were very strict on my allowance and I hadn't made much from missions yet. "Here you go!" I handed it to him, my smile never faltering.

"Thank you." He replied, his head cocking to the side slightly. "Where's yours?"

"Oh, I'm not hungry." I lied, not wanting to admit I didn't have enough money. It was a special day for him, I didn't want to ruin it. "Enjoy, Itachi!"

"Nonsense." Before I could interject, Itachi was holding out the sweet for me to take a bite. "We can share." I knew there was no arguing with him, so instead, I sat with him while we both enjoyed the dango. After Itachi finished the last bite he laid back on the grass, tossing the stick to the side. "Thank you for the treat, y/n."

I laughed sweetly, "Of course. We can share another when I join the Anbu." I laid back as well, my arm grazing his own. I sit in silence for a minute before saying what had been on my mind. "So this means you're going to be a lot busier from now on."

Itachi shifts beside me, he turned on his side so he was looking down at me. "Yeah, I guess so."

I shifted my eyes to look at his own, "Even if we don't get to see each other much, your still going to be my best friend. Okay?" I tried to hide the sadness in my voice but it was prominent. Feeling embarrassed, I closed my eyes and faced my head back up to the sky.

"Y/n, can I try something?" Itachi asks. I assumed he was changing the subject, noticing my change in mood. Little did Itachi know, I've had a crush on him for a while now. But I was just too shy to admit it, plus Itachi was way above me, he probably didn't view me as anything more than a friend.

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