i. uchiha | caught

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This imagine was requested by: loverdarui
I hope you enjoy! I know it isn't too funny but I tried with some parts. Also I'm sorry for it being out so late, I've been stressing a lot with school and other matters.

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i. uchiha | caught

"You never listen." I scold the man in front of me. His usual scowl was replaced by a sheepish grin. A grin that twisted into a grimace as I tighten the wrap in his arm. My eyes narrowed at the dark haired boy, my lips tugged down in a frown. "I'm serious, Izuna. Every time you come here, I have to patch you up."

He laughs off my comment, "It's just a scratch. Plus you should be mad at your brother. He's the reason you always have to patch me up." Izuna shrugs, referring to my brother Tobirama. The two of them were constantly going at each other because of our clans history.

The Senju and Uchiha clan were ancient rivals. So how I ended up falling for an Uchiha when I was suppose to despise them was still somewhat a mystery to me.

I turn my back away from him, packing up all the supplies I hadn't used. I threw away the remainder of what was left of the bandages I used his wrap his waist. "I'm worried about you, Izuna. What if..." I couldn't even finish my sentence. Losing Izuna was something I never wanted to happen.

His eyes soften at my words, realizing how much I worried about him. He placed his large hands on my waist and spun me around to face him. "Look I'm sorry. I know it isn't fun to have to patch me up all the time but I have to fight or I'll die." His lips tugged up slightly, "And wouldn't you rather be the one touching me rather than the Uchiha nurses? I swear they would be all over me, fighting each other to be the one to- ow!"

His eyes widened at the painful pinch to his fresh wound. He went to scold me but I waved him off, "Oh don't be such a baby, I barley touched you. Plus I'm the one who patched you up, so if I messed up the bandage, I can always redo it." I pointed sharply at him, narrowing my eyes. "Or you can always get the Uchiha nurses to do it."

Izuna looked at me with fear in his dark eyes. It was funny to me how he was so widely feared on the battlefield and was considered the one of the most powerful Uchiha clan members- yet, with me, he would cower away when I would raise my voice or glare at him. "But I think you know better than to do something like that, right?"

To be honest, I didn't care if he went to the nurses back at his clan. Mostly because I didn't really care for wounds, blood, or anything of the sorts. But I did it because Izuna felt comfortable with me helping him rather than anyone else.

"Yeah, right..." He trailed his words off, laughing nervously. His eyes followed my body as I moved over to the bed in my room. When I laid back on it, I heard the chair he was sitting in squeak as he pulled himself off of it. I opened my eyes, watching him skeptically, as he walked over to me with a lustful smirk. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

I nodded my head, playing along with him. "Maybe I am." I leaned up, grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling his lips down to mine. Izuna tried to deepen the kiss but I denied him and pulled away, "But I'm not really in the mood now." I faked a smile, "But maybe the nurses will. Like you said, they will probably fight each other too."

"I shouldn't have said that." He pouted, "I forgot that you get jealous easily."

I furrow my brows, "I do not!" I tried to defend myself, even though I knew it was true. "Name one time before now when I got jealous. That's right. I bet you can't-"

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