c. omoi | overthinking

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This imagine was requested by: woozivies
Sorry it took me so long to get this up, but I hope you enjoy! As always thank you for all your support!

c. omoi | overthinking

I walked beside Karui, while Samui walked ahead of the both of us, as we made our way to the Hidden Leaf Village. My boyfriend, Omoi dragged his feet behind us, a light groan leaving his mouth, "What will I do?" I looked behind me concerned, an anxious look was noticeable on his face.

"What do you mean, what will you do?" I questioned him, halting my steps, letting the white haired boy catch up with me. Kauri took notice and slowed her steps down to be within hearing.

Omoi looked between me and Karui. His face contorting, as if he was conflicted. I knew my boyfriend better than anyone, but even a stranger in our village knew how much of an over-thinker Omoi was. He could, and would, imagine a billion different outcomes for picking up a stick.

What if the stick has poison on it? What if it's a decoy for the enemy to distract you with? What if the stick is an entry way into a magical underwater resort full of aliens who's sole purpose in life was to get us? That was just some of the few ways he would over-analyze a simple task.

"Well the Hidden Leaf Village had tons of attractive guys. What if all of those guys declare they love you?" A tint of pink spread across his cheeks, he looked down at the ground. "I was wondering what I would do."

I laughed softly, placing my hand comfortingly on his back. "Omoi, that isn't going to happen." My boyfriend looked up at me, the stick with candy on it sticking out of his mouth. His lips were tugged downwards into a small frown.

"But what if it does. I bet they don't have anyone as pretty as you in the Village. What if they all try to fight me over you?"

Karui looked over, an unamused expression on her face, "Well why don't you fight them all off? If you love Y/n as much as you say you do." She teased him, a taunting smile pulling at her lips. Even though Kauri was much like him, getting anxious and nervous often, she loved to mess with Omoi.

"I would. But what if there is this one strong guy that is willing to kill me over her?" His attention turned to the redhead, he took his sucker out of his mouth to talk more clearly. "And what if y/n thinks he is more attractive or stronger than me?"

"Then I guess he is more deserving than you are-"

I cut Kauri off, reassuring Omoi that what he was thinking was never going to happen. He ignored me as he looked past me to our friend, his eyes concerned. Karui looked back at him with a blank look, her face unimpressed by his anxiety.

"What if when the time comes to leave, they can't bear the thought of parting with her? What will I do then?" His expression flickered to a fearful one, "I'd be so scared if they suggested something like a lover's suicide-"

"Why are you so worried all the time?" Kauri yelled, pointing towards Omoi who had since stopped walking and stood as if he was in deep crucial thought. He placed his hand under his chin, his shoulders slumped down in a look of defeat. "We haven't even reached the Hidden Leaf yet! Don't get so carried away, it's creepy!"

"Kauri, you know how he is." I tried to calm down the fuming red head before me. Her face turning almost as red and bright as her hair. You could see the irritation in her golden eyes. "Try not to be so harsh on him. He can't help it." I glanced down at my boyfriend, his eyes were looking towards Kauri.

"Maybe some handsome guy with a super-good looking face will come onto you too." Omoi straighten back up, holding his hands out while shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.

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