s. uchiha | team hebi

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s. uchiha | team hebi

My life changed forever when I was taken into one of Orochimaru's laboratories to be experimented on. Over the years that I was kept against my will, Kabuto tortured and abused me because of my clan's extraordinary and never before seen abilities. By the time I was 10, I had given up hope of escaping and being free ever again.

The only good thing that came out of the years of torture in the hideout was meeting Sasuke Uchiha. A boy my age who was suppose to be Orochimaru's next vessel. He was hostile and often angry, but somehow we managed to grow close and form a friendship. But despite our connection, I never let myself get too attached because I knew he would die to fulfill his promise to become Lord Orochimaru next body.

After I turned sixteen, I never saw Sasuke again. I was transferred to another secluded hideout where Kabuto was the main orchestrator. For a year, I was subjected to harsher and more dangerous experiments. Because now Sasuke was no longer around to protect me like he had been before, when we were in the same hideout. And in my own weakened state, sick from all the tests being ran on me, I couldn't even lift my arm, let alone, try to protect myself.

A year pasted before news spread that Orochimaru had been killed. Sasuke came and found me not long after, I was damaged and sickly from all Kabuto's 'research,' but he still wanted me to join his team.

We joined forces with Suigetsu Hōzuki next. Who agreed to join Team Hebi on the one condition that we find the executioner blade, which Sasuke surprising knew the location of. Next we recruited a red headed sensory and healing Ninja named Karin, and per the request of Sasuke, she healed me from all the awful things Kabuto did to me. Finally, we found Jugo, who joined us because Sasuke reminded him of an old friend.

With the five of us, Team Hebi was formed. Not long after we reunited, Sasuke and I grew closer. We formed a relationship of sorts. Although, we never labeled it, the feelings were there and we both acknowledged them.

It was getting late, so Team Hebi had stopped for the night and set up a camp in a secluded spot in the forest. I used my earth style to create tents made of vines and leaves for each of my teammates. So they could have shelter for the night. Jugo offered to be on the lookout, allowing the rest of us to get some rest for our journey tomorrow.

I crawled inside my makeshift tent, grabbing my blanket out of my bag and setting up a place to sleep. Just as I laid down and covered up, I heard the leaves rustle behind me. I didn't bother looking back to see who it was, because I already knew it was Sasuke. Since our first night together, after reuniting, Sasuke and I had slept together.

It wasn't sexual, or at least it wasn't to begin with. At first, Sasuke came to check on me worriedly after hearing me screaming. I had nightmares due to my many years in Orochimaru and Kabuto's captivity. He offered to stay with me that night, and surprisedly with him there I slept through the night.

It didn't take long to realize that I didn't have night terrors when Sasuke was beside me, and since that resolution, we hadn't been apart for a night.

But it also wasn't just me who the arrangement helped. I noticed how easier Sasuke went to sleep and how peaceful he looked sleeping when he held me in his arms. And even though his nightmares were rare, it was easier for him to wake up beside me rather than waking up alone. He may be a bad guy, but even the bad guys could be soft with the right person. I was that person for Sasuke.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be late." He apologized, his voice softer than when he talked in front of the rest of our comrades. I felt him crawl next to me, laying behind me to where my back was pressed against his chest. His strong arms wrapped around me, bringing me closer into him. "Karin was trying to stick around."

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