i. uchiha | destined enemies pt. 1

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i. uchiha | destined enemies pt. 1

I watched as my elder brother walked in the direction of the forest. He had been going off somewhere for a while now, like clockwork, everyday at around the same time. He use to do it frequently, but hadn't done it since our younger brother Itama was killed on the battlefield. Today was the first time in a few weeks that he went again.

Once he disappeared into the trees, I glanced around to make sure nobody was looking before I followed him discreetly.

I made sure not to make any noises. Since I had four brothers, I learned how to go unnoticed. I held pride in how quite I could sneak up on someone in battle, something I learned from many years of playing pranks on my brothers.

Usually I wouldn't be so nosy. But I noticed a while back on how Hashirama would disappear for a while and come back wet, as if he had been playing in the water. And while it hadn't bothered me then, it didn't feel right to let him go alone when at any moment he could be attacked. I already lost two of my brother due to battles, I didn't want to lose another.

When he finally went out into the opening, I moved behind a pile of large rocks in the middle of the stream of water. There, I stayed undetected as I watched my brother sit on the edge of the stream and throw pebbles into the water.

'Maybe he just comes out to clear his mind.' I thought to myself. But something didn't seem right, it didn't make sense that he would come all the way out here, away from everyone, when he knew how dangerous it was to be alone.

After a few minutes, I heard a rustling from the other side of the river. I placed my hand on my sword, ready to draw it at any sign of danger, but to my surprise a boy around Hashirama's age stumbled out and over to my older brother.

The boy began talking to Hashirama as if he knew him, and by the way Hashirama didn't seem surprised at the stranger- I realized that the boy wasn't a stranger at all. At least not to big brother.

'Who was this boy?' I wondered, looking over the pale skinned boy. His hair was spiky, much like Tobirama's expect his was light whereas this boy had dark hair. 'How did Hashirama know him?'

Just as I leaned up ready to reveal myself to my brother and find out what was going on, I felt a sharp object touch my arm. From the corner of my eye I saw a boy, who looked similar to the boy my brother was with, pointing a sword at me.

"Why are you here?" The boy asked me. I glared at him from the corner of my eye, angry that he had his sword pointed at me in a threatening manner. But despite being wary of the newcomer, I didn't call out for my brother to help.

I debated on telling him some wild fabricated story, but realizing I had no other logical reason to lie, I decided to just be honest and tell him I had followed my brother out here. At my confession, he lowered his weapon. "Funny, I did the same thing."

I looked at him surprised. "So that's your brother?" He nodded, taking a seat next to me to peak at our two brothers who had since stopped talking and seemed to be having a contest of sorts by throwing rocks on the water. "Do you know how he knows my brother? Hashirama?"

"No, I've been following him the past few times he has came down here. This is the first time he has ever had company." The boy answered. I examined his features as he talked, he looked very similar to the other boy so it make since that they were brothers. He had black hair with a slight blue tint that was short and spiky. His skin was pale, or at least paler than mine was. And he was dressed in dark clothing, that matched his dark eyes. "What's your name?" He asked me, the question taking me by surprise.

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