c. akamichi | not a coward

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c. akamichi | not a coward

"Show me what you've got, Ino-Shika-Cho!"

The teammates threw random attacks at the tanned skin man, but he dodged each one effortlessly. When they banded together and went towards him, he used a substitute jutsu to evade their attack. Shikamaru and Ino landed on their feet, but Choji was threw off to the side by the explosion. "He's coming!"

Asuma broke through the cloud of smoke, charging at his old pupils. "Shikamaru! Cast your Shadow Possession to lead me towards Choji."

At his instructions, the brunette weaves his hand signs to pull Asuma into his justu. "That's just what I plan to do!" I watched as Choji used his partial expansion justu to enlarge his fist, but just as he went to strike, he froze just before it reached Asuma. My heart sank in my chest. I feared he wouldn't be able to hurt him, that's just who Choji was.

But right now, it didn't matter. It was crucial for his own survival that he kill Asuma, or else he or his comrades would die as a result.

Asuma and Shikamaru yelled at him, but Choji only closed his eyes tightly at the remarks. "This is... This is too much for me!" He confessed, his voice breaking. "I can't take our Sensei down!" At his words, Asuma kicked him through the air and weaves signs that were undoubtedly going to cause serious harm and possibly death.

My feet moved before my mind could react, I threw my body out, tackling Choji before Asuma Dust Storm Justu could get him. I felt off to the side of him, my head hitting the rock walls harshly. My eyes went blurry at the contact, black dots appearing in my vision. I glanced over at my boyfriend, making sure he was unharmed.

"Are you okay?" Shikamaru yelled over to us. I nodded but the action caused me to feel dizzy, I leaned my head back onto the stone wall. Trying to focus and regain my composure.

"Y/n!" Choji yelled out. His voice seemed far away despite him being right beside me. I knew that was because of the harsh hit my head took. "You're bleeding." I closed my eyes when his hand touched the back of my head, guiding me to lean forward. "Ino, come heal her!"

Ino glanced at me momentarily before her eyes shifted back to Asuma. I knew by her unspoken words she was conflicted on what to do. While she wanted to help me, she knew if she turned her back the reanimated man, he would attack them. I shook my head, waving them off. Despite the aching pain in my head, I pulled myself up off the ground. "I'm fine. I'm here to help."

"Y/n, you can't. You're hurt." Choji goes to protest, but before he can Asuma emerges again through the smoke.

"I know you're a truly kind person, but right now taking me out is the kindest thing you can do." His voice is deep, almost sad sounding. Then his face twists into a frown, "Snap out of it, Fatso! Take me down!" He demands, yelling at Choji.

I chose my eyes momentarily as Asuma begins to separate into two separate people, as my vision blurred worse.

"You're wrong, I'm not fat!" At the sound of my boyfriends voice, and footsteps, I open my eyes to see Choji charging at Asuma. "I'm just pleasantly plump!" He tells, swinging his fist back prepared to punch his reanimated Sensei. But one again, his action falls short at the last moment.

Asuma yells, charging at him once again with his knives. Ino thankfully used her mind transfer justu on Choji, helping him to dodge the attack. However, on the battlefield you are in constant danger, and one of the white zetsu clones comes up behind Ino. Shikamaru uses his justo on Ino helping her kick it in my direction where I stab it with my Kunai.

After removing the knife, I fall back against the wall feeling even more lightheaded. A small trail of blood was now dripping down my back from my head. I closed my eyes again, trying to make myself regain some energy and charka. I tried to ignore the sounds around him, hoping my teammates would be okay for a few seconds as I rested.

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