n. uzumaki | scattered feelings pt. 1

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n.uzumaki | scattered feelings pt. 1

I stood between Shikamaru and Ino at the gates of Konoha, beside Shikamaru was Choji. We all wore frowns as we watched the seven people come over the hill and into our views. Shikamaru had told us all about Sauske, I eyed each of my peeps as their body's grew bigger the closer they got.

"Who's that?" I whispered, mostly to myself as I saw a bright red headed girl draped across Kakashi Sensei's back. Although, I quickly shifted my eyes off them and onto the body next to him.

Naruto. His face held no expression, and his head was dropped low. Something had happened, he wasn't his usual optimistic and happy self. He didn't look like the Naruto I fell in love with.

Just looking at him made my stomach knot up. Something terrible had happened. What if... what if he had actually done it? Did Naruto actually kill him? Did he finally kill Sauske.

"Sakura." Ino whimpered beside me. My eyes shifted from my boyfriend to his pink haired teammate. Sakura didn't look any better, in fact, she looked more traumatized than Naruto. The knot in my stomach only got worse, and I shallowed the rising bile that threatened to come up.

I was worried for them. None of them looked okay. The only one who didn't look upset was Kiba, but that's just because he looked angry. Even Akamaru had his head hung low.

Sakura was the first to speak, once the group got close enough to the four of us standing at the gates. "We're back." She stated simply, after everyone came to a stop. She glanced at everyone, but her eyes lingered on me for a moment longer. I shook it off.

"I heard from my dad... about Sasuke." Shikamaru said. I looked at Naruto expecting him to greet me like he usually did after missions. No matter how tough or sad a mission was, he would always give me a hug and kiss when he arrived back to the Leaf and tell me how much he missed me.

But today was different. Today he acted as if he hadn't saw me at all.

"Yeah." He finally spoke. His glaze solely on Shikamaru, he didn't dare look in my direction at all. "And I fought with him."

When the words left his lips, I felt Ino tense beside me. She loved Sasuke so much and my heart broke for both her and Sakura. At one time I was right beside them drooling over Sasuke, that was until Naruto started paying me attention and I realized how much cuter and kind he was compared to the dark haired boy. But Ino and Sakura wanted nothing more than for Sasuke to come back and be with them. I couldn't imagine the pain they were going through watching him throw his life away while they loved him so much.

I placed my small hand on her back, rubbing comforting circles. "Fought? You mean with Sasuke?" Shikamaru gasped at the yellow haired boy.

Naruto's face stayed stone hard, "I'll give you the details later."

"Naruto, are you okay?" I finally spoke up. Although my voice was barley above a whisper. Naruto glanced at me momentarily and I saw something flicker in his eyes before he dropped his head down. He couldn't even look at me.

I lowered my head, no longer wanting to look at the boy in front of me. Instead I looked at my feet. Had I done something to upset him? I hadn't been here when he left for this mission, I had already been assigned and left for one of my own. Maybe that's why he seemed upset with me. Because I wasn't here to send him off on a mission that seemingly destroyed a piece of him.

But something inside of me knew that wasn't the case. Naruto wouldn't be upset with me because he knew me not being there was out of my control. Something must have happened on this mission that caused this attitude.

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