s. nara | asuma's final words

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s. nara | asuma's final words

I waited at the gates for them like I always did when they were due back from a mission. Team 10 was like my own team and I cared for them all deeply. In fact, if I hadn't been busy helping Lady Tsunade I would have accompanied them.

As I waited I thought back on the memories I had made with Team 10. It all started back when my own squad had been killed on a mission while we were all still genin. I was the only one that survived but even I was on the brink of death for a long time. It was a very traumatic experience and I quit being a shinobi all together after I finally recovered.

When I finally decided I wanted to go back to avenge the death of my teammates and Sensei, I was met with the grief of knowing I would never have a team of my own again. I was told how I would be randomly put into teams that had openings and switched around as needed. This caused me to rethink my entire decision. I wanted a connection with a team, like I had before.

It wasn't until a few weeks after Lady Hokage was swore in when she called me into her office. I remember it like it was yesterday.

I entered the room slowly, stopping completely in my tracks when I noticed others were already speaking with Lady Tsunade. "My apologies Lady Hokage." I said before turning to exit and wait for their meeting to be over. But to my surprise Lady Hokage stopped me.

"Y/n, you're fine. Please, come in." She spoke to me gently. I nodded my head and walked in, passing by the three strangers before standing off to the side of them. "Y/n I heard you wanted to start doing missions again, is that right?"

I nodded, "Yes ma'am. If you would allow me to, of course." I replied politely. Tsunade nodded briefly looking back down to a stack of papers. I took this as a moment to look at the three others in the room.

My eyes were immediately drawn to the tall tanned man who stood behind the two smaller kids. He was much older, around the age of my previous Sensei. He had dark hair and a small beard. A cloud of smoke surrounded him caused by a cigarette lit between his lips. But one striking feature was the tie he had around his hips. He was a Guardian Shinobi Twelve.

My eyes traveled to the young girl who stood tall in front of him. Although she wasn't extremely tall, she was taller than myself and the boy beside her. She had pale blonde hair that was tied into a bun on the top of her head, a thick strand left out covered one of her eyes. Her eyes were a pale blue the first think I thought of when I saw her was how pretty she was compared to myself.

Finally, I looked to the shorter, chubbier boy beside her. He had his headband tied in a way that parted his orange chestnut colored hair into two parts. And on both cheeks were two large swirls. He was the only one who noticed me looking which surprised me because he had been busy eating a bag of chips. He tossed me a small wave that I shyly returned.

"Okay y/n. I would like you to meet your new team." Tsunade finally broke the silence in the room. I glanced up at her, my eyebrows knotted together in confusion.

"But I- I didn't think I could get a new team."

Tsunade smiled sweetly at me, "It just so happened their teammate Shikamaru was promoted to Chunin. They have an opening in their squad and I though you would be a perfect fit." The Hokage explained, "Y/n this is your new Sensei Asuma and his students Ino and Choji."

I glanced at her one more time, a big smile breaking out on my face, before turning to face my new team. Although I knew nothing could replace the one I lost, it certainly couldn't make me feel any worse. "Hi Asuma Sensei. Nice to meet you Ino, Choji."

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