n. uzumaki | meeting kushina and minato

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I feel like my writing has been off lately and I'm worried my imagines aren't good☹️

n. uzumaki | meeting kushina and minato

"Are you sure you want me to... you know." My voice was soft, an uneasy feeling presiding in my stomach. I stood beside my boyfriend, outside of doorway of his home. The hallway was dark, but the light from inside crept under the crack under the door, giving off some light to illuminate our faces.

Well, this was suppose to be his home- except it was his home in another life. Madara had sent us into what seemed to be another reality. One where Naruto's parents were alive, and all of friends were different in their own unique ways. Kiba was a cat person, Sasuke was here in the Leaf, and most oddly Naruto's name was Menma.

"I do." He grabbed my hand, engulfing it in his own huge one. "If you feel comfortable with it, of course. I would really like them to meet you." I could tell his eyes drifted off, his voice growing lighter. "I know it's not real but I always wanted to know how they would react to you. I know they would've loved you, even though I never met them myself." He looked back up at me, using his free hand to caress my face lovingly. His blue eyes finding my own uneasy ones. "I know they would've because I do."

"Okay." I whispered finally. I breathed in sharply, trying to ease my nerves. "But if they end up hating me I don't give you permission to break up with me." Naruto laughed slightly, nodding his head at my words as he agreed to my words. He kissed me on the cheek, as a way to calm me, before he reached out and twisted the handle, opening the door.

As I entered behind Naruto, the two people looked up to the doorway at the two of us. Their faces were happy as they saw their son, but looked confused as their eyes glanced over to me. It was the red headed women, Naruto's mother, who noticed how we were holding hands. A smirk made its way onto her face, a entertained twinkle in her eyes.

"Menma, you didn't tell me you were having someone over." She replaced her smirk quickly with a bright smile as she walked closer to us. I had thought she was going to greet Naruto, but the older women pushed past her son as she headed directly towards me. "Hi, I'm Kushina. I'm Menma's mother, you know!"

I smiled as I caught on to the catch phase that Naruto must have inherited from his mom. "Hi, I'm y/n. I'm..." I trailed off, looking towards the yellow haired boy for assistance. By now, the older man who resembled Naruto so strikingly had stood up. He walked closer to us, but kept a good distance.

"She's my girlfriend."

At his words, the smile on Kushina's face- that I thought couldn't get any bigger- grew more. She glanced behind her to the guy, who just looked amused and proud by the interaction. "A girlfriend?" Her voice was soaking with happiness at the newly discovered information.

The man behind her smiled as well, he walked a bit closer, placing his hand on the woman's shoulder. He pulled her back into him, trying to get her from being so close to me. But I hadn't minded. "So, are you staying for dinner then?"

"If you would have me, I would love to." I replied, my eyes shifted back to Naruto who nodded slightly. Kushina squealed, and before I knew it she had be wrapped between her arms in a tight embrace.

"She's pretty and polite! That's great, you know!"

"Kushina, you are crushing her." Naruto dad laughed, he turned to me with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about my wife, she is just excited to meet you is all. I'm Minato, I'm his father." He held his hand out for me to shake, which I gladly did. I had spent years looking at his engraved face on Hokage Mountain, but nothing ever could have compared to seeing him in person.

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