I. uchiha | arguing on death's door

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I. uchiha | arguing on death's door

The room was cold and dark, the silence was overpowering. Itachi detached himself from my side and threw himself down in the sole chair sat in the middle of the room. He breathed in relief as he finally relaxed his body from the long walk.

I wrapped my cloak tighter around my body, watching him. He tightened his eyes, squeezing them  closed in pain. I was surprised that he even made it from our hideout to here, considering how ill he was. "Are you alright?" I asked softy, even though I was angry with him.

Itachi nodded slightly, but his eyes remained tightly skewed shut. "I'm fine." He muttered breathlessly. I looked down and kicked a pebble with my foot, throwing curses at him under my breath.

Either Itachi didn't hear me, or he chose to ignore me. He knew I had, unspoken, upset feelings towards him. I had been hostile to him all morning and for the past week since he revealed to me he was going to fight Sasuke today. I knew I was being bitter but at the same time I couldn't help the way I felt.

What made it even worse was the fact I had felt this way during our last final days together.

I had known since the beginning Itachi plan was to have Sasuke kill him. It was something I had knowledge of when I left the village long ago with him. But Itachi was already dying. The Mangekyō Sharingan had put a major strain on his eyes and body. I never thought he would keep his decision to fight his brother even in such a weak state.

"Can you hand me my headband?" He asked, finally opening his eyes to look at me. He ignored as I rolled my eyes and tossed it to him. I watched him struggle a bit before walking up behind him and helping him tie it on. I ran my fingers threw his hair and arranged it in the way he has worn it for years. Having the front strands left out, while the rest of his long hair was tied back. "Thank you." He grabbed my hand effortlessly, and kissed it softly.

I stared at him as he brought it down from his lips. He held onto it tightly as he leaned his head back on the chair, resting for what little time he had left. "Thank you for everything you have done for me. I don't deserve you."

At his words. I took my hand away and walked down the steps away from him. "Don't speak nonsense, Itachi." I sneered, my true emotions sneaking through.

"Are you upset?" He asked, though he already knew the answer. He drew his hand out from his cloak, holding it out for me, as a means of telling me to come back to him.

I glanced away, ignoring him. "Am I upset?" I repeated his question slowly. I acted as if I was thinking hard, "No, Itachi, I'm ever so pleasant that I successfully dropped you off here to die." I no longer tried to hide how livid I was. My eyes lit up with hatred, yet my heart screamed at me to stop. I didn't need to spend what little time we had left together yelling venomous words at him.

But I couldn't stop.

"I'm sure any girlfriend would be happy to have their boyfriend choose to let their brother kill them."

Itachi signed, "Please, y/n, come here." I turned my body away from him, ignoring him like a small child would do. A deep sign left his lips, "You can't possibly be mad at my decision when you have known about it the entire time."

"I thought you would change your mind." I retorted simply. Not wanting my true thoughts to be revealed, even though I knew they would be brought into the light soon enough. "Please don't do this." I finally glanced back up at him. My eyes pleading him to forget Sasuke and his death wish.

"No, y/n. The time has come." Itachi scolded me. His face firm but his eyes held a softness behind them that was only ever meant for two people. Myself, and his little brother Sasuke. Though, Sasuke has never noticed or realized how much Itachi truly cared about him.

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