s. kankuro | reanimated

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s. kankuro | reanimated

My body felt like it was on fire, sweat formed puddles under me. I clenched my fists, grabbing a handful of the sheets under me, waves of excruciating pain came over me one after the other. I couldn't breath, let alone talk. My body was completely shutting down at this point.

The poison must have finally made its way to my heart.

I pried my eyes open and glanced over at the boy laying in the bed beside me. I wanted to be closer to him, so I could try to find comfort in him like I always had. But we were separated as people worked hard on trying to save us.

Kankuro. My heart ached, a pain different from one caused by the poison. Tears welled in my eyes, it was my fault he was like this, if I hadn't been so reckless he would have never put himself in harms way.

Sasori struck me with his deadly poison first. Kankuro came to my aid, he always wanted to protect me no matter what. Even when we were younger, before we admitted our feelings for each other. He would do whatever it would cost to save me. I would do the same for him. But this time, it was reckless of him to turn his back on his opponent for me. This time it only resulted in him being poisoned not long after I had.

"Y/n." I heard him groan out. I took it as a good sign that he was still able to speak. That possibility left me a long time ago. "I need to be with her." Kankuro growled in between moans of suffering. I saw him try to lift himself out up out of his bed to come to me, but he was shoved back down by one of the Sand Shinobi. My eyes were going blurry and it made it hard for me to make out anyone's faces.

"Stay down, they are giving you something to ease your pain." I heard a voice speak, one that I was very familiar with. One of our elders, Granny Chiyo.

'That's good. Hopefully that means he won't be in so much pain.' I thought to myself, but the nagging voice in my head continued. 'But that doesn't help stop the inexorable death. If you don't find a antidote for the poison Sasori inflicted us with, he will die.'

I reached my hand up towards the light above me, wanting nothing more than to touch it, to feel the heat radiating off it. The heat that was just causing me to sweat puddles, was now replaced by a freezing cold numbness over my body. The pain I had been feeling was completely erased. I no longer felt anything.

I knew what this meant. I knew my time was coming to an end even though I wanted nothing more than to live. Or at the very least, spend my last moments with Kankuro. I tried to speak, but instead of words coming up, only blood rose from my throat.

I couldn't even tell him I loved him. Or thank him for loving me all these years. I couldn't say goodbye, or make another joke about his makeup. Worst of all, I couldn't wrap myself into his arms as I lived out my last final moments.

I heard him fighting as he realized that state I was in. Even enduring the pain himself he wanted to try and help me. I turned my head to look at him one last time. My eyesight was blurred and hazy but I still managed to make out the boy before me.  His fair skin that was so soft to the touch, was consorted in anguish. The silky brown hair that I always loved to run my fingers through, per request of Kankuro, was now drenched in sweat.

I longed to see his beautiful dark green eyes, just one last time. But he had them closed in agony, I couldn't tell whether the liquid that was streaming down his face was sweat or tears.

Black dots danced across my vision. I fought to keep my eyes open, knowing that if they were to close they would never reopen, but my battle was soon lost. Just as I was slipping out, I saw a group of people burst into the room.

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