k. hatake | one day off

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k. hatake | one day off

"Ah my enteral rival, Kakashi." I heard the deep voice speak from behind me. Kakashi tensed beside me and I almost laughed. "Tell me Kakashi, are you up for a challenge?" Guy taunted the slivered headed man beside me.

Kakashi had just got back from a long mission and I was enjoying having him to myself for the day. And since I was to go on a mission tomorrow, this was our only day off together. "Not today, Guy." Kakashi waved off his friend. Although I don't know if I have every heard him admit he was friends with Guy.

I started to walk, pulling my boyfriend along side of me before Guy jumped in front of us, halting our movement. "Fight me!" He screamed, already standing in a position to strike. I glanced up to Kakashi who was already looking back down to me.

We both knew Guy wouldn't give up until Kakashi excepted his challenge. It had always been this way. Every since Guy named Kakashi his enteral rival way back when we were all children. "Fine, Guy. But just a quick one. I promise y/n we would spend the day together before she leaves tomorrow."

"You got it!" Guy screamed triumphant. He turned to me and smiled widely while giving me a big thumbs up. "I promise you y/n, this will be fast! I will completely crush Kakashi and if I don't I will do 500 laps around the village carrying Neji on my legs!"

You laughed at his determination and watched as the two grown men participated in a round of rock, paper, scissors that ended with Guy running off to find Neji. "I will be surprised if the Hyuga kid even lets Guy touch him." I laugh, grabbing Kakashi's arm and pulling him back to walk with me.

We only made it halfway down the street when I felt a presence behind us. Or more like three presences following us. I glanced back to see them all throw themselves behind something, trying to hide. I nudge Kakashi slightly and he flickered his eyes down to me. "I know."

Kakashi signed and turned around to face the three genin. "I know you three are back there." He unhooks his arm from mine and crosses them on his chest. "Come out, now."

Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno emerged from their hiding spaces. But much to my surprised they all took on fighting stances. "Fight us, Kakashi Sensei!" The blonde kid, Naruto, yelled before charging at Kakashi. Unlike Guy, he didn't ask, instead he demanded a fight. He didn't wait for Kakashi to process it before he was leaping through the air with a Kunai in hand.

Kakashi caught Naruto with ease and slung him back into the other two children. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder again before speaking to his students. "Sorry Naruto, not today."

Sasuke Uchiha was the next to charge at Kakashi, despite Kakashi just telling them he didn't want to fight. Again, the attack was easily dodged and Sasuke's big ego was most definitely bruised. The pink haired girl,  Sakura, was knocked down when Sasuke was slung into her. "I said not today you three. It's my only day off."

"Come on Kakashi Sensei!" Naruto whined, "We aren't going to get any better if you don't take the time to train with us! You spend all your time with y/n Sensei!"

"He spends all his time with me?" I push past Kakashi and grabbed Naruto vest pulling him up to my face. Although I was careful not to hurt him, I still wanted him to be scared. "Last I checked Uzumaki, my boyfriend has spent a week with you three while I was here- alone. Don't you think that I deserve one day alone with him?"

"S-Sensei." Naruto stuttered to Kakashi. He hide his face behind his hands, thinking I was going to hit him, but instead I placed him back down gently. Well as gently as I could, "Ouch! Y/n Sensei, that hurt!"

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