I. uchiha | destined enemies pt. 2

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This imagine was requested by: woozivies
I think the defined enemies imagines have become a favorite of mine, thank you so much for requesting! I hope you enjoy the pt.2!

I. uchiha | destined enemies pt. 2

Tobirama was more than furious when he finally woke up. He was livid, throwing things and screaming at me for protecting our worst enemy on the battlefield. I understood why he was angry, I would have been furious myself if the tables had been turned, but I never regretted saving Izuna. Not even for a very second.

"I could have killed him. Why would you block me?"

Tobirama looked at me questionably. I sat off to the side, lowering my head down in shame. I didn't bother trying to explain myself, partly because I knew nothing I said would make a difference. But mostly because I didn't know what to say. I couldn't come out and say I had use to be friends with Izuna and the thought of him dying made me sick.

No, my brother would have never excepted that.

"Tobirama, leave me and y/n for a moment while you go try and calm down. There is no need to be angry when nothing can be done now." Hashirama spoke to our brother, his eyes drifted from mine to the sliver haired man. Tobirama went to protest but at our older brother's expression, he closed his mouth, angrily stomping out of the room. Being sure to glare at me on his way out. I stayed still in my chair, not looking up to my eldest brother.

He stared at me for a while, before walking over to sit beside me. His arm nudged me slightly, "How do you know Izuna?"

I held my breath, debating on telling my brother the truth. That I had met him when he was friends with Madara, and that I was very close to him. That he was my best friend at one point, one of my only friends. But I couldn't bring myself to admit the truth. Instead, I spilled out another lie. "I don't know him. I don't know why I even saved him, it was just something that came over me in the moment."

I saw Hashirama nod from the corner of my eyes, undoubtedly not believing me. "Is that why you healed him as well?" I stiffened up at his words, my eyes slowing rising to meet his own, a look of guilt and fear painted on my face. My brother nodded again, a forgiving smile on his lips. "I saw the interaction. But I didn't think Tobirama needed to know you not only stopped him from killing Izuna, but that you also healed his injuries."

I look at my brother in surprise, a feeling of trust bonded between us. I finally felt safe enough to tell him how I knew the Uchiha, "I followed you to the river. That first time you went after Itama died." I said, revealing the truth to my older brother. "I met him then, he was spying on Madara like I was doing to you. We met up a lot after that and became close friends. He meant a lot to me."

"Meant a lot to you?" Hashirama asks, adding emphasis on the use of past tense. I shook my head to him, telling him that the feelings I harbored towards Izuna since we were kids, were still present today, "I see then."

Tears formed in my eyes, despite trying desperately to stop them, they soon fell down my cheeks. I looked up at my elder brother, my voice laced with sincerely. "I didn't mean to hurt Tobirama, I swear I didn't. But when he when towards Izuna, I- I just couldn't. I couldn't let him kill him, the thought of him dying..."

I choked back a sob, my older brother took me in his arms. The feeling causing me to cry harder, finally letting my regrets and sorrows out. I loved Izuna so much, and I loved that I had gotten to meet him and grow close. But I hated that our clans had such hatred towards the other. I hated that despite my own feelings, I never got to be with him.

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