n. uzumaki | hero

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n. uzumaki | hero

For as long as I've known him, Naruto has been the most goofy and optimistic guy I know. As time went on, I watched him grow from a weak boy who struggled to make one shadow clone into a man who could hold his own and make a thousand clones. I watched him blossom into a strong ninja. Through that exchange, I watered my own feelings from small buds into huge flowers that have grown with each passing day.

I loved Naruto, but Naruto didn't love me back. Or so, that is what I convinced myself of until the day he saved my life.

When Pain attacked the Village, I was one of the ones on the front lines. I fought alongside Choji, his father and even Kakashi Sensei. I watched as our Villiage was destroyed, I watched some of my closest friends and mentors get killed so mercilessly. We all fought to save our home, and just as we all lost hope- Naruto showed up.

Our hope showed up, and he saved us.

That was the day that our Village recognized Naruto has someone more than just the boy who held within him the Nine Tailed Fox. He was a boy, who has worked so hard to prove himself. He was finest shinobi our world would ever see.

He was the boy from Jiryira's prophecy.

When he was brought back to the Village, exhausted on the back of his Sensei, I was one of the supporters on the sidelines. Sakura was the first to get to him, taking him in her arms as she whispered a million 'thank you's' in his ear. I watched as his eyes bypassed hers, as he searched amount the crowd.

His eyes stopped searching, once they landed on my own.

My heart skipped a beat, as he held my glaze. His eyes held so many emotions, I couldn't decipher which he was feeling. I tilted my head to the side, almost if I was trying to get him to tell me.

I saw him gently shake the pink haired girl off him, struggling to remove himself from the crowd around him. Many people shouted their thanks at him from a distance, while the ones closer to him patted him on the back as their own personal way of showing their appreciation.

I stood where I was, watching him slowly make his way to me. I would've walked up to him myself, but if I was being completely honest- I couldn't. Like most others, I was injured during the attack. Every part of my body ached, including my heart.

I was thankful all the lives we lost were restored. But I still felt the pain I did when they died. The pain I felt when I thought they were gone for good. I still held the pain that was inflicted on me while I fought to protect my village.

"Are you okay?" His gentle voice reached my ears. I felt him softly grab my arm, running his fingers along a huge purple and red bruise around my elbow. "Does it hurt?"

"Not too bad." I replied softly. "It would've been much worse if you hadn't have saved us." I gained the courage to look into his eyes again. The vibrant blue instantly calming me down, "Thank you, Naruto. You saved everyone's lives here, today- including mine."

Naruto nodded at my words, looking away from me and out at the crowd. Many people had left, probably to seek medical attention or begin working on damage repairs, but many still lingered around. Mostly our friends from the academy and Kakashi Sensei.

"You are the only one who would've been here for me if I hadn't just saved the village." He turned back to look at me, "You are the one who is always there for me. Looking out for me."

"You proved yourself to them today, Naruto." I place my hand comfortingly on his arm. "You gained their trust and respect. I think they are starting to believe what I've know from the start: that you are going to be the Hokage one day."

He nodded. I knew he was happy that he proven himself today to the village, but something was still bothering him. "Naruto, everyone is okay. I don't know how but Kakashi is still alive- nobody died today. That's on you."

"I know- I just..." He let out a shaky breath, "All I could think of while I was out there was..." His voice trailed off, as did his eyes. I could tell he was very upset about something, and it pained me to see him this way. He was suppose to be happy, he should be after what he had just done.

"What is it?" I pulled his face back down to look at my own. Rubbing smoothing circles on his cheek with my thumb. "You can tell me, Naruto. You know I'm always here for you. It's okay." I encouraged him, my voice gentle.

His eyes glanced at mine, before dropping slightly lower. He stared at my lips for a moment, the action causing my heart rate to pick up "I can always count on you. I know that, I do." He paused, thinking about what he wanted to say next. After a few seconds, he finally confessed, "But today all I could think about was saving you. Not the village, just you."

My eyes widened in surprise. The pieces of the puzzle coming together like magnets. I sucked in a sharp breath as I felt his rough fingers trail along the side of my face, much like I had just done to him. "I didn't care about anything, anyone, expect you. I needed you to be okay. I couldn't lose you without letting you know that I..."

I breathed out shakily, keeping eye contact with him. "You what?" I urged him, desperately wanting to hear the words that were bound to pass through his lips. "Say it, Naruto. Please."

"I love you." He finally admits. He moved to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, "I couldn't bear the thought of losing you before I told you. Or before I could finally do this." In one swift motion he dipped down and connected our lips.

His lips were soft against mine. I reached up to tangle my fingers in his yellow hair, taking in the moment that I have imagined for so long. It felt like we were the one two people in the world.

Felt like. "Finally!" A voice yelled out, causing us to pull apart. "Yes! It's about damn time!" I glanced past Naruto to see a small group of our friends including Sakura, who was the one who screamed, looking over at us. Shikamaru smirked at us, while Choji gave us a thumbs up. Ino stood beside Sakura, taking an opportunity to pick at her, "You ruined the moment, billboard brow!"

"Shut up, Ino pig!"

Naruto turned his head back to look at me, "Sorry. Sakura has known about my feelings for a while. She has been pushing me to tell you them for a while too." Naruto scratched the back of his neck nervously. Anxious to ask his next question. "But if it's okay with you, I would really like to take you out."

He paused, pondering for a moment, before shaking his head. "That's not what I meant." I frowned, "No, I mean it is what I meant. It just sounded too much like I was planning on taking you out out. If you know what I mean." He explained, clearly overthinking the entire situation. "I want to ask you out, on a date- ya know? And hopefully to be my girlfriend too."

"Of course I'll go on a date with you, Naruto." I smile up at him, "And I would love to be your girlfriend because I love you too."

Okay so fun story, this was in my drafts for months. I had like less than 500 words written with no idea what it was going to end like. I just kinda started writing and went no where.

But today, that changed when I saw a random edit on tiktok and came up with the ending. And honestly, I think it came out pretty decent.

This is shorter than usual but I didn't what to add anything else because I knew if I did it would sit in my drafts for another few months while I tried to come up with something lol

But as always comment, vote, and if you want send in some requests! Thank you!

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