s. uchiha | spending the day together

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s. uchiha | spending the day together

"What are you doing here?" Shisui was leaning up against the door as I exited the hospital. His head hung down, his eyes scanning over a small piece of paper in his hands. At the sound of my voice, he looked at me, his lips curving upwards.

He shoved the paper into his pocket, reaching over to kiss my lips tenderly. When he pulled away, he placed his arm around my shoulders. "I can't visit my girlfriend?" He asked, his tone humorous. I smiled slightly at his remark, leaning more into his embrace.

"Of course you can, but I thought you were busy today." I replied. It had been a few days since Shisui and I have had time to spend together. He was always busy and I was occupied over at the hospital trying to master medical ninja skills. I had witnessed far to many of my comrades die on the battlefield, I wanted to be able to help save them, so I decided to try and learn the basics.

Although I knew it wouldn't be easy, it was a lot harder than I expected. Even with my precise chakra control, I was having a hard time learning and mastering some of the techniques.

"I finished earlier than expected." He simply explained, leaving out any details. He was suppose to meet up with Itachi, to train and also discuss some important topics. Although I knew about the Uchiha coup and how he and Itachi were struggling to find a way to prevent it, Shisui never openly talked about it. I respected his privacy, so I never pushed, but I was secretly worried that the whole ordeal was going to destroy him. "I thought we could spend the rest of the day together. Since we rarely see each other anymore."

My lips tugged upwards into a small grin, "That sounds great, Shisui. What did you have in mind?" I asked the brown haired boy. He began walking away from the hospital, I followed alongside him as his arm was still wrapped around my shoulders.

"Maybe go to dinner? I'm starving." He laughed slightly, a small growling coming from his stomach at the thought of food. I nodded, feeling pretty hungry myself. Shisui guided us into the heart of the Village, where most of the places to eat were.

He was quiet as he walked, which was unusual for him. Usually he was very happy and talkative, but at his silence, I knew something was bugging him.

It didn't take long to pick a place to eat, sitting down in a small restaurant and ordering food. Shisui made a couple of lighthearted comments but I noticed his eyes drifted off in deep thought. His body may have been here but his mind was somewhere far off. I took a sip of my drink before finally deciding on confronting the issue. "So, are you going to tell me what's bothering you or do I need to figure it out myself?"

Shisui looked up at me, sight taken back. I waited for his answer, my eyes never faltering off his. "It's nothing," He started, faking a smile. "Don't worry about it, it will all be fine." He tried to detour the conversation. I usually would have let him, feeling like the business of another clan was no concern of mine. But I've come to realize that if I'm going to be with Shisui, his concerns are also my concerns. He shouldn't have to burden this completely alone.

"It's about the coup, then?" His face fell, realizing that I wasn't going to drop the topic that easily. "Did something else happen?"

"No." He breathed out finally, "Nothing else happened." His lips tugged downwards, a frown forming on his lips. "That's just it though. Nothing is happening. I can't seem to get anyone on board with stopping the coup." He looked off to the side, no longer looking at me. I placed my hand over his trying to comfort him.

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